Michelle’s Monologue

I identify myself as being Ukrainian and Jewish. I pride myself, however, in being a true New Yorker. I was born and raised in the famous Brooklyn, New York. My parents, though, were born in Odessa, Ukraine – they both came to the U.S. when they were young children.

The first language that I learned was English, because my parents wanted me to get into a smart class in public school. I picked up the Russian language from hearing it being spoken by my family members. I took Spanish for quite a number of years in school, and then started to learn some Italian. I take pride in my religion as well as my culture, but I enjoy learning about other cultures as well. I am very passionate about languages and want to make sure that I have time to learn more of them. I also enjoy watching foreign films and trying to pick up some of their dialect.

What I like best about myself is my drive to succeed and not let anything get in the way of my happiness. I work hard to get what I want, because I know that things are not just handed to you on a silver platter. The American Dream nowadays has shifted its focus into trying to keep up with the changing society, rather than building a completely new life. People are forced to work hard in order to make it through the tough times and everyday hardships of the new America. I am diligent, determined, and I know what I want in this life.

What I like least about myself is my impatience. When I get impatient, I get easily frustrated and sometimes end up giving up on something or someone. I may come off as being mean or rude, but really it’s just that I am on my last nerve. I try to relax more, and take a step away from the situation to calm down and not do anything in the moment. My motto is: never make permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

The best part about college is meeting new people and having my doors opened to a wide array of new opportunities. I am learning a lot about the myself, the city I live in, and even the world. College is forcing me to get accustomed to the MTA, bipolar New York weather, and the everyday chaos of living in a big city. Oh well, even with the negative stuff, I am going to make the best of college. I will stay optimistic and make sure this college experience is advantageous to me. 

^ This will be me working hard and having to prioritize/manage my time better.

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