ENG 4420 Twentieth-Century British Literature

Schedule of Readings and Due Dates

Following is a general schedule, subject to change; specific assignments will be given at the end of each class. Items with an asterisk will be available in .pdf form on the blog; please bring downloads or printouts to class.

1/31Arthur Conan Doyle, Hound of the Baskervilles 
2/6J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan 
2/8Peter Pan 
2/13NO CLASS  
2/15Peter PanResponse #1
2/20NO CLASS: Classes will meet on Tuesday instead 
2/21World War I poetry and manifestoes 
2/22Katherine Mansfield, “The Daughters of the Late Colonel” 
2/27Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway 
3/1Mrs. Dalloway
3/8Modernist poetry—Yeats, Eliot; paper workshop 
3/13Yeats, Eliot continued Paper #1
3/15PG Wodehouse, “Uncle Fred Flits By”* 
3/20Modernist poetry II—Sitwell, Auden; start reading George Orwell, from Down and Out in Paris and London* Down and Out 
3/22discussion of Down and Out 
3/27Alan Sillitoe, “The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner* 
3/29Sam Selvon, “The Lonely Londoners (excerpts)* 
4/3Pat Barker, from Union Street; James Kelman, “By the Burn”*Response #2
4/17Kazuo Ishiguro, Remains of the Day 
4/19Visit by Mike McCormack, reading from Solar Bones 
4/24Remains of the Day 
4/26Remains of the Day 
5/1Heaney and BolandRefAnnBib
5/3J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 
5/15Recent poetry—Johnson, Breeze, Alvi, Agbabi 
5/22 Researched paper due