Code Switching Article

My code-switching articles were about comedians and racial jokes. B.A. Parker and Gene Demby opened up a thought-provoking discussion on comedy and race. They shared different comedian perspectives that got me thinking. Aparna Rancheria says that audiences often expect race-related jokes from comedians of color. This rings true given today’s societal context. Brian Bahe brought up organizations acknowledging indigenous lands and how jokes by people of color can unintentionally become race-centric. Comedians, like all individuals, shouldn’t be defined by their race. This applies to various fields too. The author, after trying comedy, felt as if audiences tended to interpret everything through a racial lens. Society’s quick judgments can dampen authenticity in humor, but this comes from issues like racism and sexism. To sum up, these discussions illuminate the complexity of comedy and race, showcasing diverse comedian perspectives. They also remind us of the broader issues of society influencing our perceptions of humor.