Final Project

At the start of the semester, I had one main goal: to sound more sophisticated in my essays and hand in my assignments on time. Initially, I did well in submitting my essays, but over time, I became overwhelmed with the amount of work and started falling behind. I lost motivation in every subject and didn’t want to do my work, eventually giving up. My assignments piled up, remaining incomplete, and I failed to achieve my goal.

Regarding sounding more sophisticated, I made slow progress and improved over time. It required considerable effort to consistently review and refine my essays, replacing words with better vocabulary. Now, rephrasing essays to sound more mature has become more natural for me.

One writing assignment that posed significant challenges was the rhetorical analysis essay. I struggled to begin and ended up finishing it almost a month late. Although finding a topic was easy, incorporating various elements of film and analyzing it proved to be difficult. I sought help from three different people before understanding and completing the assignment.

On the other hand, I am most proud of my literacy narrative essay. This assignment felt more personal and reflected my own experiences compared to the rhetorical analysis essay, where I had to analyze a film with no personal significance.

Looking back, I prefer writing about life-related topics rather than given subjects. I aim to improve my adherence to deadlines in the future. Despite the challenges, I unexpectedly enjoyed this writing class and look forward to the next semester with Professor Perry!