Code Switch Article

The article I chose explores how eating bugs is seen as racist and explores a right-wing conspiracy theory around it. In a podcast, Gene Demby and Huo Jingnan discussed this notion and emphasized how conspiracy theories frequently propagate false information and dangerous beliefs that may feed prejudice. The hosts contend that people frequently adopt a code-switching expression when having a conversation regarding conspiracy theories, particularly those pertaining to race.

Given the general problematic nature of conspiracy theories, I concur with Demby and Jingnan’s position. The hosts also draw attention to the relationship that exists between the kinds of meals and the people who eat them, emphasizing that this relationship frequently disadvantages underprivileged or immigrant populations being of latino heritage,Essentially, the conversation emphasizes the detrimental effects of conspiracy theories, particularly those pertaining to race. It challenges us to evaluate information critically and to be aware of the possible harm that might result from the spread of false notions that reinforce prejudices.