Reflecting on ENG 2100

After my first semester in college with the introduction to ENG 2100, I’ve noticed that my writing style has changed. For context, my writing style had a much more serious tone and lacked a higher vocabulary, something I wanted to reinforce by the end of this semester. By the end of this semester, I found that neither of these goals had been accomplished but did give birth to a new style that I was once familiar with, that being more wittier. I’m not too sure why, perhaps some advice that all of a sudden popped into my head during my AP ENG in Junior year? Or maybe because I’m random and don’t think twice when stuff like that appears in my head (not flexing, kind of worried). If I compared this kind of writing to my High School type, then yeah, MAJOR changes. One thing that I am proud of is my improvement in coherence, arguably one of the most important aspects in writing and if failed, well you’re done for (sometimes). That’s pretty much it in terms of goals.

If there’s one writing piece that I’m proud of, it’s most likely got to be the rhetorical analysis one as it was the first time I enjoyed doing it and felt that I put all of my efforts into it and was worth it. In this assignment, I watched a movie and analyzed it through a lens (like a critic, nice) and both aspects were great. I chose the Marxist theory with The Great Gatsby movie and didn’t realize how many elements in that movie would connect to Marxism. Every process of it was enjoyable, minus the 8-page limit but whatever.

I think all of the projects were quite easy once you set up a plan to tackle them. My biggest struggle dealt with time management (I procrastinated so much on the second one). To overcome this struggle I simply worked on these assignments at the Newman Library, an environment where I’m forced to be like others – being a scholar – and that pretty much did the trick. As for terms when doing the writing, just planning. For me, I first start with the intro – taking about 30 min – and from there I make small adjustments as my essay progresses. From there it’s a breeze. Pretty much it.

Overall, not a bad semester with the integration of college-level writing. One of the things that I will work on is time management and maybe interacting more in class (10% chance). This class in particular is a great introduction, small assignments that build up to “High stakes” can capture how college work will be. Of course, as the semesters go by it gets harder but we’ll adapt. Great class and looking forward to what each is cooking next semester.