Monthly Archives: October 2012

Blog Post #2

when i was accepted to the Baruch Scholars Program, i knew my goals had to be higher than just achieving a degree.  With my tuition covered, i knew i wouldn’t need to worry too much about earning money. So I knew community service would be not only an educational, but also a moral obligation. In todays world, simply having high grades is not enough.  We must show we are truly beneficial and compassionate to our community and society to obtain high ranking positions in the working world, and high prestige and respect in communities across the globe.

Our role should be to help other others who can’t help themselves. I am looking forward to our community service project because doing volunteer work gives me a good sense of accomplishment and good will to know I am helping others with no benefit being reciprocated to myself. This is related to the culture of service the Honors Program promotes Because the programs strives to sculpt intelligent, selfless men and women to not only give themselves success, but to couple that success with helping others have a life they may not be able to afford or provide. As our economy becomes more competitive and companies start to make volunteer service not only superfluous but a requirement, being “smart” is no longer enough for them.  People must go beyond their call of duty.

I feel if we can create a community not motivated so much by momentary gain, but out of respect for others just for the sake of being human like us, and if we can eliminate the saying “It doesn’t affect me,” we can become a much better society.  Because no matter what, what hurts one person hurts us all as a whole, and service should not be seen as burdensome, but as a responsibility.



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