Journal #3

Coming into Baruch, I never before did any community service with a philanthropic attitude. I had to fill certain requirement in high school to graduate and I volunteered here and there just so I can receive the credit. I had the mindset that community service isn’t for me and I wanted to focus on school and on my job. However, as I grew a little bit older, I realized that helping out others can actually make your own life better. That life has a “what goes around comes around” policy, and focusing only on yourself would actually not yield the results you want.

I am now approaching this community service project as an opportunity to finally give back with the right intentions. We were all given an opportunity to go to school and get an education for free, so I think that it is only right that we somehow give back to those less fortunate than us. Even spending time with a kid and helping him with his homework can easily transform into a stronger bond where the child will look up to us and try to improve. One of my favorite quotes is “If you are not making someone else’s day better, than you are wasting your time” by Will Smith, and I truly believe that now. We are all here to better ourselves but also be responsible for improving our community.

This new attitude really made me reconsider what I want to do with my life. The idea of a non-profit doesn’t sound so foreign and repulsive as it once did, and my favorite class Pub 1250 is also gearing me in that direction. I think in a few years I will take a number of other interesting and life changing courses so that I can decide what I want to major in and how I want to live my life.

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Community Service

Community Service is something that often is overlooked. However, as I got older I began to realize its value. Education is not only about bettering yourself, but also helping out the community as a whole. For now, my community is Baruch and as a scholar I feel like it is my responsibility to be a leader and lead by example when it comes to community service. We are required to do some community service but I think that this will teach us to go on in our lives and influence the community for our own satisfaction.

One of my favorite quotes is by Will Smith. He said “I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here.” I truly believe that and I think that we should make the most out of our lives and leave some sort of unique mark. I’ve looked at community service as a chore before but I began to understand its value. It not only serves others but it also makes you feel good about doing a good deed. It can also help you realize your hidden potential or something you didn’t know about yourself. The honors program tries to get us to begin to serve the community and be an example for those who don’t have to do this. Courtesy and kindness is contagious and I plan on being a good citizen and help the community after my time in Baruch as well.

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Journal #1 : About Me

Ever since I was little, my parents put a very high emphasis on my education. My parents came from Ukraine only a year before I was born, so a lot of their russian values were instilled in me. My parents were both straight A students, so education was not just a priority but a way of life. Therefore, I attended a private school when I was little, and then went on to Staten Island Technical High School for high school. My parents wanted to make sure that I was surrounded by the right people, with good morals, values, and motivations. Their support and guidance is what helped me grow as a person and as a student.

In high school, I met a lot of people that I can now say will be my friends for life. They have influenced me as much as my parents have, because we all share the same aspirations and motivations. I had a couple of internships throughout high school that also helped me identify what I want to do as a profession.

This is part of the reason I chose Baruch. I felt like a commuter college would give me the best chance to focus on my studies. Baruch is in the city, and has great connections to many wall street banks and other firms that I see myself interning in or working in. I want to challenge myself and learn valuable skills for the future, while getting the proper job exposure that will help me when I start working.


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