A Soccer Team

This collection of photos is about a ‘community’ of soccer players. I photographed my sisters soccer team. Even though there is one main team, the community involved other people than the soccer players. As part of the team there were refs who made sure the game was fair and coaches to assist the players and help score goals. There were spectators who watched, which were mostly parents. Also, players from other teams sat on the side lines and watched the game or practice kicked near the game.

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2 Responses to A Soccer Team

  1. I like the picture “warming up”. It’s a good shot. Though maybe you could crop out the person to the right so it focuses on the boy.

  2. fantmann says:

    A number of good shots, vibrant color and nice movement. The strongest photos are #4, 5, 9 and 11. Although it’s fine of course, to have people alone, there are too many of those and too many backs of people. You’ve captured the action well. Now let’s see some photos of the players interacting with each other off the field. There was a good shot of a spectator mom. Perhaps more of the support people that are part of this community. But you’re off to a good start.

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