Author Archives: sammie

Posts: 9 (archived below)
Comments: 4

Historical Mayan Architect/Landscapes – Mexico

Posted in Inspiration, Miscellaneous Assignments - Extra Credit, Uncategorized | 92 Comments

Wonders of Europe

Posted in Inspiration, Miscellaneous Assignments - Extra Credit | 96 Comments

Americanized Indian Wedding

Background on Indian Weddings…

Traditional Hindu wedding ceremonies can last for days and involve much ritual in which may be understood only by the priest conducting the service. This ceremony is considerably shorter and is intended to be understandable even to a non-Indian audience, making it suitable for intercultural or mixed Hindu/non-Hindu marriages.

Hindu weddings are supposed to take place outside, on the earth, under a canopy known as a mandap. If that’s not possible, you can build a mandap inside and pretend you’re outdoors. Seating under the mandap can be on the ground (carpets or mats would be a good idea) or on chairs.

Front and center under the mandap is the sacred fire. The fire can be small and confined to a brazier or dish for safety.

Traditionally, the bride wears a red or red and white sari. The sari should be draped modestly over her hair. The groom wears a kafni (long shirt extending to the knees) with pijamo (leggings) or dhoti (sort of an overgrown loincloth). The groom might also wear a turban.

Of course, in an adapted ceremony like this one great liberties can be taken with wardrobe. One rule which shouldn’t be broken is that anyone who enters the mandap or wedding canopy must have on sandals or slip-on shoes which can be easily removed (no shoes in the mandap!). In addition, it’s a good idea to avoid much black.

One feature of the bride’s wardrobe which has become popular abroad is the use of henna or mehndi to decorate her hands and feet. It’s said that you can tell how well a new bride is being treated by her in-laws from how long it takes for the mehndi to wear off. Mehndi treatments are increasingly available in salons.

Brief background on Jessie & Nick…

Jessie and Nick are both Americans, with Indian heritage and Scottish heritage, respectively. They met each other while they were attending Columbia University’s Medical School back in 2006. Jessie is a doctor at NYU Langone Medical Center and Nick is a dentist with his own office in the Upper West Side.

Posted in Assignment Six - Final Project | 11 Comments

Problems with Baruch

Posted in assignment Five - ISSUES (black & white) | 125 Comments

Animal Socializer Specialist

Posted in Assignment Three - Environmental Portrait | 98 Comments

Wall Street

FiDi, the acronym for the Financial District, is Manhattan’s most exciting neighborhood. It is home to Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange and is bordered by Fulton Street, to the north, Broadway to the west and the East River to the south and east.

The thriving downtown residential population has an expanding base of the highest-paid employees in America, and an increase in tourism to 8.1 million tourists annually (which ranks FiDi as second only to Times Square) have generated a surge in retail demand. As a result, a growing number of restaurants, high-end retailers and service businesses are opening up locations in FiDi.

Around Broad and Wall Street, the “Madison Avenue” of downtown Manhattan have recent openings  of high end retailers such as Tiffany & Company, Hermes, Canali, Tumi, BMW, and Thomas Pink. In addition to the opening of Gristede’s, restaurants like Bobby Van’s, Cipriani, Haru and outdoor cafes are rapidly expanding. As residential and office populations continue to increase, additional retailers and restaurateurs are expected to open businesses to capitalize on FiDi’s further growth.

With restaurants, nightlife, and luxury retail stores all flocking to the area, FiDi is now a lively 24/7 community and the fastest growing residential area in New York City.

Posted in Assignment Four - Community, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Exclusive Sneak Peek of the T-Line

Posted in Assignment Three - Environmental Portrait | 11 Comments

Cruise/Bahamas Portraits

Posted in Assignment Two - Faces | 9 Comments

Labor Day

Posted in Assignment One - Event | 8 Comments