I’ve always thought that it was important to give back to the community you come from. That as a part of being human it is withing our social and moral duty to help up those around you. So with that said I think my role as a Baruch scholar and my duty to Baruch and the community is the same even if I didn’t receive this scholarship: help those around you.
Within Baruch I am a student and a photographer. As a student my duty is to help those around me also succeed. This doesn’t just mean helping people network and offering some study help, it means actively pushing those around me to greater and newer heights. As a student it means helping my fellow Baruchians navigate through the struggles and not just do well but, if possible, set a even higher standard for themselves. My duty as a student is to help those around me.
We are the fortunate. By some virtue of our abilities or divine predestination we are given this opportunity to attend college for free. But not only that, we are given resources and a solid foundation for our collegiate growth. And I think this ties into the culture of service within the Honors Program. We are told again and again that we should help the community but, at least for me, only when I was given such a better position did those words sing to me. I saw it as I’m succeeding and I should help those around me succeed too. So I think our role as Baurch scholars is simply to give back and help those around you in both social and academic settings.