Our group used Baruch library website to look for volunteer opportunities and found New York Cares.This is an organization that allows us to help NYC parks, schools and community. My participation in Community Service Project encouraged me to look more into broader sense of community. I have volunteered for Minkwon Center for Community Action, which is a community center that meets the concerns and needs of the Korean American Community through several program areas such as youth, community advocacy, and social services. This organization works mostly for Korean community; however, New York Cares works for whole New York City community. Therefore I believe that this organization would make me more integrated into this society and connected to more people. Preparation for presentation also allows me to learn to work as a group and to make a good presentation.
I haven’t joined any of Baruch student clubs, but I want to join Women in Business, AISEC and some music clubs. I want to join AISEC because I believe it would give me opportunities to know more about studying abroad and about the career in International Business. I also believe this would contribute international experiences by providing internships in another country. As of now, I want to major in business but I’ve always had a passion in music. Whenever I get stressed out, and get emotionally weak, I sing or listen to music. Sometimes, I listen to music and cry at the same to release the stress, and to forget the sad memories that I had. So I want to join a club where people can share their tastes in music, and play instruments and sing together. For next three years, I want to make my life productive; I will probably graduate from Baruch, and go to graduated school or have a job. However, at the same time, I also want to do all the craziest things that only young people can do in their life. I will be still young after three years and when I get old, I do not regret about things that I cannot do I was young. You only live once. YOLO!