I choose to do this meme because one of my favorite chapters from Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody is Chapter 1. In Chapter one Shirky tells a story of a 16 year old girl that finds a phone in the back of a cab and instead of returning it to the owner, uses it for her own needs or wants. Soon she would suffer consequences for what she had done. A community works together through the website Digg and gets the young girl arrested. Moral of the story, just do the right thing before your problems escalate to the world wide web. I choose to use quickmeme because memegenerator didn’t load lol. I found both websites effective in creating meme’s and this is something fun to do because it lets you put your ideas in a humorous way. Maybe there’s somethings in your mind you didn’t know how to express before and now meme’s gives you a new option.
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