Should have just given it back…

I choose to do this meme because one of my favorite chapters from Clay Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody is Chapter 1. In Chapter one Shirky tells a story of a 16 year old girl that finds a phone in the back of a cab and instead of returning it to the owner, uses it for her own needs or wants. Soon she would suffer consequences for what she had done. A community works together through the website Digg and gets the young girl arrested. Moral of the story, just do the right thing before your problems escalate to the world wide web.  I choose to use quickmeme because memegenerator didn’t load lol. I found both websites effective in creating meme’s and this is something fun to do because it lets you put your ideas in a humorous way. Maybe there’s somethings in your mind you didn’t know how to express before and now meme’s gives you a new option.

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I just wanted to enjoy my turkey well rested…

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How to make a Vanilla Papaya/Banana/Spinach Protein Shake

Step 1: Take 1/2 of a banana, 4 oz of sliced papaya ( make sure clean the seeds off the papaya or you can add for easier digestion), and 4 oz of raw spinach and dump these ingredients in a big blender. (Can include ice to make a heavier liquid)

Step 2: Measure 8 oz of almond milk and pour in blender along with the fruit.

Step 3: Pour the blended fruit in a portable bottle and add 1 scoop of Vanilla flavored Whey protein powder (Typical scoop contains 25-30 grams of protein) to the shake.

Step 4: Shake the bottle for 30 seconds to a minute and drink up

You do not necessarily have to do a massive workout to drink this type of protein shake. This can be consumed at any time of the day. the ingredients may seem a little funny but trust me anyone with working taste buds will enjoy this. Bon appetite!

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3D Printer

Unfortunately I was unable to attend class to see the 3D printer in action because of a bad virus. I do not believe that a 3D printer will be popular among the general public but it may be popular in fields such as architecture, engineering, and marketing. These fields require physical representation of the innovative ideas they came up with. As far as the general public goes, I do not believe that your average person will invest their money on a machine that will not do more than print toy like objects. Don’t get me wrong this is an incredible step forward in technology but there is a difference between photos that can be printed countless times with ease where as 3D print outs take time depending the size of the job. The average person is not patient especially when it comes to technology.

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My Writing Process

When writing papers I can never type up a draft, I must always hand write it. I do this because I feel that if I type up a draft as I type I will be stuck in front of my laptop for hours because I edit my draft as I type it. Therefore I hand write it with a pencil so I can go back and add or subtract from my writing. I used ideas from my own experience and ideas I learned in class. The illustration I wrote about made me think a lot about my own experiences which made the paper something fun and good to reflect on.

Posted in Blog Assignments | 31 Comments

There’s just too much to keep up with…

This page in “The Medium is the Massage” really caught my eye after the class discussion we had about KONY 2012. Social Media ranging from online websites to television news channels have made it possible for people to know about every current event going on all around the world and it is making it hard for people to stay interested in one thing. Like when we are in a typical grocery store we sometimes are stuck in there for quite a while because although we go in with a list of items we are given many options but when you are in a wholesale store like COSTCO your options are limited but you find what you want and you buy it. With so many options in current events, we now rarely fully engage in specific current events and try to know little about everything that is going on. Not everyone in the class knew all of the specifics about KONY 2012 but almost everyone knew it existed with all the Facebook posts about it.

Posted in Blog Assignments | 35 Comments

NFL Refs

“We have taken a proactive role in supporting and funding research that addresses a wide range of health concerns for current and former players and society as a whole” – Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner

If this is true then why is Mr. Goodell using scabs to referee Week 1 of the NFL Season? So much for player safety..

Posted in Uncategorized | 78 Comments

Hours at Gym

STOP spending your entire day at the gym, pull out the note pad, and make a plan!

Posted in Nutrition | 20 Comments

Health Pic 1

I really liked this




Posted in For Fun, Nutrition | 11 Comments

Hello world!

Welcome to my site everyone, by consistently stoping by you guys will have a chance to stay up to date with sports news and gain some tips on nutrition and fitness. ENJOY!

Posted in For Fun | 27 Comments