workshop of personal enrichment

dylanvjerry on Oct 26th 2009

Thursday ,10/08/09,during the time 12:45~2:00,I went to room vc-1107 to join the workshop.This is a personal enrichment workshop.During the workshop we learned a lot of things about how to manage our relationship.It’s really helpful for us to know how to have a postive life during the college time .And we have to mainly focus on  family,networking ,and  romantic relationships.For family relationship,we dont just focus on our family members.We also have to take care of the friendship and try to create new relationship.For the networking ,to have a very good relationship with professors and employees at your work place.And the last is about romantic.Most people date during their college lifes.So postively treating the breakups is important,don’t let it influences you too much and bring your grades down.

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