Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?

Racism obviously still occurs but on a more low-key scale. The beginning of chapter identifies people’s first experience with race-related memories. Children or even adults have misconceptions about different races and ethnic backgrounds because they are not familiar with those types of people. But racism is learned. Children are not born hating the different skin colors there are, but it is because what their parents teach them. I believe that racism is based on bias and stereotypes. Growing up, my parents always warned me about non-Asian races because they thought those people were bad. I grew up distant from people who were  not Asian because of what my parents had told me, but as I got older, I started to realize what my parents experience was a result of pure ignorance. They had never encountered people of other races before since they came from Asia. But America is truly a melting pot and my parents could only rely on instincts. Luckily, those racist thoughts and lessons left me because I learned that all people are basically the same, and what does it matter if we’re different colors? But I have to admit, I still have some preconceived judgments about people but I’m pretty sure others do too. But it is up to society and schools to teach children about the different races there are in school to help the community be more accepting and open. However, I don’t believe that prejudice, bias, and stereotypes will ever vanish because these preconceived thoughts sometimes hold true.

Tatum also touched on a really interesting point of how lighter skin blacks and darker skin blacks were perceived differently. She mentioned about a conversation she had with another child when she was young about how she wasn’t black and that she was just tan. I think this is really significant with how blacks portray themselves. Of course, Tatum is black but a lighter skin black, but nonetheless black. For many years, blacks have been ridiculed for their skin color because they are not light skinned. This causes blacks to be ashamed of their skin color and heritage because of mean comments and the way society has treated them. Also in popular culture now,it is very unlikely to see a very dark African American because I think the idea of light skin=beauty still resonates in society. With that said, the media has a lot of influence in the way people are, so children who recognize this will treat others differently. Though racism is not allowed anymore, it is without a doubt that stereotypes, prejudice, and biases still occur. Could the government or mass media be at fault? and can racism be completely abolished?

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