About the Course


This course considers selected ideas underlying current practice in American education. Emphasis will be placed on the historical foundations that have shaped modern American education as well as the recent global context. The format of the course is weekly discussions – many of them student-led – surrounding important themes and issues. Students should be prepared to read about, write about, and discuss issues facing educators today.

Basic Information

M, W 11:10-12:25 Room VC 8150

Instructor: Kim Rybacki

Office # VC 7-290N

Office hours: by appointment

E-mail: kim.rybacki@baruch.cuny.edu

Required Texts

Spring, Joel. The American School: A Global Context: From Puritians to the Obama Admin. 1642-2007. Eighth Edition (New York: McGraw–Hill, 2011).

ISBN 9780078097843

Tatum, Beverly Daniel (2003). Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?
ISBN 9780465083619

Meier, Deborah et al (2004) Many Children Left Behind (How the No Child Left Behind Act Is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools)
ISBN 9780807004593

Kozol, Jonathan (1992). Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools. ISBN: 9780517582213

Important Links

Academic Honesty

Disability Services

Writing Center