
Class Schedule Spring 2011:

Please note that the schedule for this course will largely be developed collaboratively. Make sure to check back regularly

Introduction to course

Mon. 1/31

Setting the Stage for Discussions:

Wed. 2/2: Our local experiences and the Global Context

Reading: Assigned Sections from Chapter 1(PISA, an overview; What PISA measures and How) and either Chapter 2 or Chapter 3 (whichevr you choose)  from PISA 2009 Results: What Students Know and Can Do: STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN READING, MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE VOLUME I

Mon. 2/7: the Global Context

Reading: Assigned Chapters from Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education: Lessons from PISA for the United States

Wed. 2/9: Planning our Course

Mon. 2/14 Ancient Foundations of Education

The History and Philosophy of Education: Voices of Educational Pioneers (Murphy_ch1&2)

Wed. 2/16

Spring Chapter 1:

Mon. 2/21  President’s Day: College is closed

Student Led Discussions

Reading Topic Discussion Leader
Wed. 2/23 Chapter 2 – Globalization and Religion in Colonial Education Religion, the Separation of Church and State, and Values Education
Mon. 2/28 Chapter 3 – Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Moral Reform in the New Republic Multiculturalism, Nationalism, and the Role(s) of Education Diana, Anna, Chantel
Wed. 3/2 Chapter 4 – The ideology and Politics of the Common School The Governments’ Role in Education, Lukasz, Jonathan L
Mon. 3/7 Chapter 5 – The Common School and the Threat of Cultural Pluralism Common School and Power, Native American Education Carolina, Priscilla, Hee Kyoung
Wed. 3/9 Chapter 6 – Organizing the American School: Teachers and Bureaucracy Role and Perception of Teachers, Teacher-student relationship, Teachers and Pedagogy Florence, Jenny, Fanny
Mon. 3/14 Reading – TBA Battle over the Curriculum
Wed. 3/16 Chapter 7 – Multiculturalism and the Failure of the Common School Ideal Immigration and the Challenge of “School for All” Lamar, Paul, Robert
Mon. 3/21 Chapter 8 – Global Migration and the Growth of the Welfare Function of Schools Welfare/ Social function of Schools, Afterschool Programs Devon
Wed. 3/23 Chapter 9 – Human Capital: High School, Junior High School, and Vocational Guidance and Education The Classroom and the Workplace (role of education) Mike, Pablo, Olympia
Mon. 3/28 Chapter 10 – Scientific School Management: Testing, Immigrants, and Experts Meritocracy, Testing, and Special Education Klaudia, Shimya
Wed. 3/30 Chapter 11 – The Politics of Knowledge: Teacher’s Unions, the American Legion, and the American Way Teachers’ Unions, (pay, accountability, qualifications, quality) Greg
Mon. 4/4 Chapter 12 – Schools, Media, and Popular Culture: Influencing the Minds of Children and Teenagers Popular Culture, Media, and School Akilah, Jonathan W,
Wed. 4/6 Chapter 13 – American Schools and Global Politics: The Cold War and Poverty Global Competition and Schools, Poverty and Schools Sabiha
Mon. 4/11 Chapter 14 – The Fruits of Globalization: Civil Rights, Global Migration, and Multicultural Education Civil Rights, Multicultural Education, Bilingual Education
Wed. 4/13 Tatum: Why are all the Black kids sitting together in the cafeteria? (read part I and choose at least 2 other chapters to skim) Racism, Racial Identity Development, Affirmative Action Sandy, Heather
Wed. 4/27 Kozol: Savage inequalities Inequality, Funding, Overcrowding 

Mon. 5/2 Chapter 15 – Globalizing the American School: From Nixon to Obama Accountability and Testing, Global competition, National Standards Alexandra
Wed. 5/4 Meier: Many Children Left Behind (How the No Child Left Behind Act Is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools) 

Chapter 5

Consumerism and Privatization Victor
Mon. 5/9 Meier: Many Children Left Behind (How the No Child Left Behind Act Is Damaging Our Children and Our Schools) 

Ch’s 3 & 4

Democracy, In/equality, Choice, Privatization, and Charter Schools
Wed. 5/11 Reading –

Parental Responsibility and Involvement, Student accountability and motivation Janie, Shantell
Mon. 5/16 Reading – TBA

Challenges for Funding Higher Education

Accountability in Higher Education

State Cuts Higher Education

CUNY: Higher Education, Public Universities, Financial Aid,
Wed. 5/18 Reading – TBA Potential for Reform? 

Learning from other Nations and ourselves; Re-imagining school (hours, size, organization, etc.)