RefAnnBib #3

Part 1: Bibliographic entry:

Part 2: Key words

  • Enslaved
  • Trade
  • Africans
  • Triangular-trade
  • Transporting
  • Smuggling
  • Epidemics
  • Fevers and Dysentery
  • Profits

Part 3: Precis

This article was descending the African slave trade and the events that occurred. One of the main ones was the transatlantic slave trade which was part of the triangular trade. The trade was between Europe, Africa, and America. Europe gave arms, and textiles, Africa gave America the slaves, and America gave Europe coffee and sugar. Also in the 1480s the Portuguese transported slaves to sugar plantations. In the 1600s the English and French controlled half of the transatlantic slave trade. A few hundred thousand Africans were taken to the Americas. Another big part of slavery was the Middle Passage. This was when slaves were transported on ships for voyages about 500 miles which could last up to a few weeks to several months. Then during the American Revolution, Congress made slavery illegal. The British slowly opposed trade of enslaved people and used their own ships to try to stop it.


Part 4: Reflection

I thought this article was a good start for research on the African slave trade. It briefly went into the different types of slave trade and how different countries went about to slavery. It was interesting because there were some things about slave trade that I didn’t know so this article is going to be very useful to my paper. Next I want to do some additional research on slave trade and maybe get another article about it. Maybe I’ll try choosing one of the main slave trades to focus on.


Part 5: Quotables:

transatlantic slave trade, segment of the global slave trade that transported between 10 million and 12 million enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas from the 16th to the 19th century.”

“By the 1480s Portuguese ships were already transporting Africans for use as enslaved labourers on the sugar plantations in the Cape Verde and Madeira islands in the eastern Atlantic.”

“The slave trade had devastating effects in Africa. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the trade of enslaved people promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence.”