
Welcome to ENG 2100: Writing I!

In this class, we are going to further develop your expertise as a reader and writer in ways that consider your identity and your goals, a growing awareness of how language and rhetoric make the world, and how writing can help you make knowledge and learn across various contexts and uses.

It is going to feel like a mess at times, partially because it is writing but also partially because times are hard now.

mess of legos all mixed up

But we will keep writing, and reading, and writing, and reading, and working together so our writing, at the very least, feels less and less messy over time.

two pens on an angle pointing down toward finished lego building with lego people working together

two pens on an angle pointing down toward finished lego building with lego people working together

One of the cool things about writing is that the possibilities are nearly endless for what you could produce. Every single one of you is going to do awesome things in this class and it will be a surprise each time. I’m excited to read your work!


Dan Libertz


***See below for more information on how we will use this website, and how we will use other resources and tools.***

We will use this website to:
  • Keep up with the Course Schedule
  • Follow along on our Lesson Plans for synchronous Zoom lessons.
  • Complete asynchronous Learning Modules
  • Write, read, and comment on posts
  • Use the Resources page for help with reading, writing, and other things


Aside from this website, we will also use Blackboard, Zoom, our course textbook, Slack, Baruch email, and a phone number (for emergencies) to communicate and coordinate.
We will use our Blackboard site to:
  • Download documents from the Course Documents page (e.g., syllabus, non-textbook readings, documents related to activities)
  • Upload Reading Annotations, Process Documents, Drafts of Literacy Narrative, Midterm Learning Narrative, Drafts of Rhetorical Analysis, Drafts of Research-Driven Writing, Experiential-Learning Document.
We will use Zoom to:
  • Have synchronous lessons for the whole class
  • Have a meeting with me
  • Have a meeting with me and your writing group
We will use our course textbook to:
  • Complete readings
  • Annotate readings
We will use our Slack workspace to:
  • Communicate with one another as a class in various channels
  • Communicate directly with me or another student
  • Communicate and coordinate with your Writing Group
We will use our Baruch email to:
  • Read weekly announcements from me each Monday
  • Communicate with me directly if you have a question or need help with anything
  • Communicate with classmates for help, questions, or group work
  • Get links to surveys to fill out about how the class is going
We will use my Google Voice phone number (see on syllabus) to:
  • Communicate with me if an emergency (e.g., when internet is not working, communicate with me if you have technical issues during a synchronous session or when you cannot complete asynchronous work)