Scene Study-Troilus and Cressida Act 3 Scene 1

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3 Responses to Scene Study-Troilus and Cressida Act 3 Scene 1

  1. PBerggren says:

    Paris and Helen look very chic. I added a couple of categories; perhaps you’d like to create some tags for the scene.

  2. This was well done with the acting. I appreciated the addition of music in the background that was necessary for this scene.

  3. Ronie Sharma says:

    It was really an interesting experience acting the lines out. Reading them is one thing, but I put a lot more thought into the motivation and personality of the character when I said the lines out loud. There are so many things to consider when acting the lines: the tone of voice, personality, emotional reactions. I was debating on whether to act out Pandarus as sarcastic and haughty, or clueless and falsely arrogant. It’s such a subjective thing to do.

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