Monthly Archives: November 2011

Macbeth: Victim of Fate?

I think Macbeth’s destiny was out of his control. The interference of fate, in the form of the witches, is what caused his inevitable downfall. Macbeth didn’t exhibit any ambition to usurp the throne until he heard the prophecy. Once the idea was placed inside his head, however, it consumed him. He was extremely indecisive on what course of action to take, and rationalized against doing anything several times. His wife really forced it upon him, using tactics such as questioning his manhood and assuring his success.

Macbeth is a victim of his options. Recall, Macbeth was a religious man. Imagine you were told by a prophetic visionary (whether its angelic or demonic is irrelevant, as long as you believed in it) that you would come across immense wealth.; Immediately, you’d start looking left and right for the first opportunity to make this vision true. It’s only a natural response. Macbeth was already aware Malcolm was the next heir to the throne, so he could infer that his kingship had to be seized. When the opportunity to murder Duncan arose, he would believe it was his destiny.    

Also, take his initial character into question. He was a brilliant warrior, known for brutally slaughtering his opponents. Yet he shook with fright he had to murder whom he perceived an innocent man, and inevitably lost his grip on sanity as a result. That is not the appropriate characterization of the ruthless man Macbeth became by the end of the play. All of his subsequent murders and actions were a result him being trapped on a slippery slope. Towards the end of the play Macbeth laments on the futility of life. He is still able to regret his actions. He suffered greatly; losing his wife, reputation, power, and everything that once formed his identity   
Although Macbeth is very intelligent and appeared to have thought through his plan, I don’t believe he really did. His mind was completely focused on the task at hand – he kept rationalizing whether or not to kill the King. The fact that he didn’t consider he had no children to be heir to the throne until AFTER he murdered Duncan attests to that. I doubt he considered the grand scheme of his actions. He acted out of character by jumping the gun and murdering the King due to a perceived urgency of time, and was unable to really think things through. It didn’t help that he had his wife was emasculating him every step of the way. In my opinion, the destiny was forced upon Macbeth. How much blame you can put on the man for giving into tantalizing temptation, the original sin of man?

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Macbeth’s Downfall

This last act of Macbeth is a particularly devastating one, considering the type of person he was at the very beginning of the play, and what kind of person he turns into after the pressures of being in power overtake him. One particular scene in this act I found to be quite striking was when in scene five, Macbeth seems to become immune to human feelings and emotions. At line 9, he states, “I have almost forgot the taste of fears: The time has been my senses would have cooled to hear a night-shriek and my fell of hair would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir.” He even cannot feel fear as he realizes they are about to be invaded.

He further shows how he is immune to human emotion in the following moment, when he is told that Lady Macbeth has died. Macbeth reacts coldly, by saying “She should have died hereafter,” and continues to say how life itself seems to have no meaning. This is especially seen when he says “It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” I think these brief, yet profound moments shows how Macbeth has been dehumanized. He no longer has any room to feel, and react to anything around him, and only holds disdain for life, a view that seems to be irreversible for him

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“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow…”

Taking my own look at this highly scrutinized and famous speech – Macbeth’s response to hearing that Lady Macbeth is dead – I think that Macbeth’s level of despair at this point is beyond words (figuratively speaking). Regardless of whether or not we can point to his villainous nature and or “monster-like” behavior, what we see Macbeth experiencing hear is raw human suffering. Yes, he has killed his way to the throne and killed to keep himself there, but at this point I think Macbeth truly realizes the level of failure of all his actions. His effort hasn’t gotten him anything but pain and misery. His wife dead, his enemies advancing, his brief rule about to end – the realization of it all is simply too much for Macbeth to bear. I would argue that it’s not PTSD, per se, that causes Macbeth’s descent into madness, but rather his own realization of his systematic failure.

These lines contain some very nihilistic musings on the part of Macbeth, and while they’re interesting to analyze (with regard to what they say about the nature of a play, among other things), I’m not entirely sure whether or not they’re meant to be taken seriously. After all, even now when we’re driven to despair about something or another, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear something along the lines of “life sucks” and “what’s the point” – not because it’s true, but because we feel that much despair at that one point. For us, it usually gets better; for Macbeth, obviously not. The words he says, then, bring up a quite worrisome philosophical debate.


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Macbeth vs. Macduff

I know I’ve made quite a few arguments against Macbeth in class and I hope to use another character to further drive home my point as to why I see Macbeth as such a villain.

We know that he has some issues regarding his sanity, but we see this even from the beginning. In 1.3 towards the end of the Act we begin to see Macbeth has a tendency to drift off into his own head. Banquo comments, “Look, how our partner’s rapt” (1.3.142). And Macbeth continues on throughout the play to slip in and out of fits of insanity. I would argue that this is simply Macbeth’s true character, and not a misfortune of war.

I solidify this opinion by bringing in the contrasting character of Macduff. His family is brutally murdered by Macbeth’s command and when he finds out he has to take a few moments. He is affected, even in unfamiliar company. The previous son’s king commands him, “Dispute it like a man.” (4.3.219) To which Macduff says, “I shall do so; But I must also feel it as a man” (4.3.220-221).

Granted, Macbeth has begun to delve further into his delusions (ones I believe he has always had, just presented in different ways), but that is no excuse for how he responds to his wife’s death. He says, “She should have died hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word” (5.517-18). The fact that he shows no emotion is one thing, but saying his wife should have died anyway shows, to me, that Macbeth’s true villainous character has come out. I don’t believe any character is fully evil, they all have some sort of heart at one point in their lives. I believe that after the murder of the King, Macbeth came in to the fullness of his instability. I believe the contrast of Macduff and Macbeth proves that Macbeth became a true villain by the end of the play.

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Group 7 – Macbeth Scene Study

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Malcolm: Fit to rule?

We discussed the strange scene between Malcolm and Macduff in which Malcolm says he is full of vices that would make him an unfit king.  After Macduff laments for Scotland, saying that Malcolm will not be much better than Macbeth is, Malcolm reverses his words, saying that he was just testing Macduff to see if he is loyal and true.

But for me, there was a second way of reading this scene.  When Malcolm backtracks and says he was making this up, he says “here abjure the blames and taints I laid upon myself.”  This can definitely read as something I’m sure we’ve all seen before – someone laughing and scoffing at what was just said “Haha, I can’t believe you fell for that, I was totally joking” – just to save face. 

So is Malcolm really going to be all that much better than Macbeth?  Even if he was lying about his vices, what he says afterwards is still a bit of a concern – he says he’s never been with a woman, these words were his first ever lies, and I could never go behind someone’s back and do anything devilish.  But when one assumes power, they have to have the backbone to stand up to those who will be against them – there is no ruler that is universally loved.  So either this new King of Scotland is actually a vice-ridden, greedy sex addict who is now going to hide all of those vices until he inevitably can no longer, or he is a naive, easily manipulated child.

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Violence = Manhood?

Most of us have read enough of “Macbeth” by now to know that violence is a central part of the play. What I found really interesting is Shakespeare’s emphasis on the connection between violence and manhood.

Right from the beginning, before Macbeth even shows up on stage, he is described by King Duncan as “valiant” and a “worthy gentleman” (1.2.23) for killing enemy soldiers in a ruthless, grotesque fashion. This part sets the tone for the rest of the play but the scene where Lady Macbeth questions Macbeth’s manliness (1.7.35-44) is what really captures my attention. After Macbeth decides against murdering his king, Lady Macbeth reasons with him as to why he should do it by attacking his manhood. According to Lady Macbeth, not being able to commit the violent crime means there are problems with his innate, male self. She even attacks Macbeth’s ability to make love.

I understand Lady Macbeth’s argument and her motives for saying such things. Do you agree that Macbeth would have been less of a man if he had not gone through with his promise to murder King Duncan? Which takes more courage to do — standing by your words or admitting that you are wrong and taking a step back?

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I thought it was very interesting when the Professor introduced the idea that Macbeth could have had PTSD. It raised a stimulating argument that I had never thought about before. However, I don’t necessarily agree. Macbeth, in my opinion, is a character that thought things over before actually putting his plans into action. He did begin to lose his sanity after he killed.

This quick paced play, covers many different tragedies in a matter of acts. Some of the murders were unexpected and unnecessary. I believe Macbeth and Lady Macbeth got what they deserved in the end. Lady Macbeth took her own life and Macbeth was killed by Macduff.

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The beginning of the end for the era of Macbeth

Although Macbeth’s downfall becomes somewhat evident in Act III (when he is being taunted by Banquo’s ghost), I think Act IV represents the breaking point for Macbeth, as well as his rule over Scotland.  Scene I opens up with the witches concocting an elaborate recipe and later telling Macbeth of his future – they give him news that (at the time) seems to be positive, as usual, for the King.  However in Scene II, it is clear that Macbeth, as well as the entire world around him has been brought to total devastation.  Out of fear, Macduff has left his wife and children without notice just to get away from the “abhorred tyrant.”  It seems that Macduff and Malcolm have some hostility between them (I actually thought they were going to fight in Act IV, Scene III), yet they team up in order to overtake the diminishing Macbeth.

Unrelated observation: In Scene II, Macduff’s son seems extremely thoughtful and well-versed for a child.  He participates in a very peculiar exchange with his mother.

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The comparisons can go on forever…

I thought it’s only fitting to fill my blog post with material that I couldn’t cover in the presentation in class. I think the comparisons between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can go on forever. Their echoes of each other’s words ring throughout the entire play. The audience really does get an in depth look at their relationship and how they play off each other. In 1.7.33, Macbeth says “If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well/ It were done quickly.” Here, he’s referring to the killing of Duncan right before his wife persuades him to carry out the evil deed. Then in 3.1.13, Lady Macbeth says to her husband about all the deeds that have been committed already, “what’s done, is done” (probably the most famous line is all of Shakespearean literature). Here, she echoes her husband’s words in 1.7, which continues to portray the influence they have on each other.

Shakespeare’s diction is also very well chosen in this play to set the tone of the entire plot. In 1.5.64, Lady Macbeth says “Look like th’innocent flower,/ But be the serpent under’t” when speaking to her husband about killing Duncan. In 3.2.14, Macbeth says, “We have scorched the snake, not killed it” when speaking to his wife about killing Banquo and Fleance. Shakespeare uses words with very wicked connotations like “serpent” and “snake” to add to the ambience of the plot. His words emphasize the dark, dangerous and almost poisonous path Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are on and later we’ll come to see that the only way they can get off is if they themselves are killed.

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