A Winters Tale

I really enjoyed reading through the Winter’s Tale. It had a lot
of elements in it that I would not have expected in a Shakespearean play – primarily
the time skip, as well as the transition in the play from a tragedy to almost a
comedy. I really didn’t expect the play to have a happy ending after the way it
started. I figured Leontes would end up repenting the rest of his life for
destroying his family, but it was almost like a reunion after a long journey at
the end of the play. It was really surprising as well – I did not expect
Hermione to be alive.

The play gave off a lot of interesting takeaways as well. Everyone makes mistakes
in relationships and with their families, and time really can heal bonds that
are broken in them. It’s unbelievable at first that Hermione is able to forgive
her husband after everything she was put through; but after you start reflecting
on how long sixteen years actually is, the fight seems almost petty (although
it was sixteen years in hiding where everyone assumed she was dead). I thought this
play was a great one to end the semester with.

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