The Internal Struggle

Christopher Marlowe’s “Doctor Faustus” is a dark theatrical piece that draws attention to conflict in the main character, Doctor Faustus. Many great works of literature involve a troubled main character or lead role who experiences some sort of conflict, whether it is internal or external.  In works such as “The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare, the main characters are tortured by the internal conflict of man vs himself in their troubling situations. Dr. Faustus also finds himself in a struggle with his own conscience, as well as with external forces in society as well. Many times, characters are torn between doing what is right and what is beneficial, and they often suffer the consequences of making the wrong choice. Despite his own skepticism of promising his soul to Lucifer and the warnings of the Good Angel, Dr. Faustus ignores his internal conflict and suffers at the hands of the devil.

Dr. Faustus, feeling bored with the world and seeking a new challenge, takes to the black arts and thrusts himself into a difficult situation. He enslaves a demon, Mephistopheles, with his newfound power and abandons God and Catholicism. In exchange for Mephistopheles’ service, Doctor Faustus promises his soul to Lucifer. This is where the conflict begins.

In act 1.1, the Good Angel and Evil Angel appear on stage and depict the classic battle of good vs. evil in an argument to influence Doctor Faustus’ decision to pursue the black arts. The angels are the external forces that are guiding Doctor Faustus’ decisions, showing the conflict of man vs. society. The skepticism that the Good Angel raises regarding the decision that Dr. Faustus makes to promise his soul to the devil raises Doctor Faustus’ own skepticism as well, showing the conflict of man vs. himself. However, in an entertaining instance of irony, Doctor Faustus’ soul is enslaved by the very devil that is at his service throughout the play because of his decisions.

The conflicts that arise in a story or play can add a strong storyline and sense of anticipation to a plot, but they often lead to similar outcomes. Like we have seen all too many times before, Doctor Faustus was torn between doing what was right and doing what felt right. He chose selfishly and paid the ultimate price with his soul.

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One Response to The Internal Struggle

  1. PBerggren says:

    This is a good comment, Thomas. Here are a couple of points to reconsider: it’s not Catholicism, but Christianity, that he rejects, I think. Is his problem really that he chooses selfishly? What exactly feels right to him? As we read on, it’s worth considering these questions.

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