Stubbornness in Love

In The Changeling, we see that Beatrice is arranged to marry Alonzo. After asking for a three day extension for their wedding, Tomazo forewarns Alonzo about Beatrice. Alonzo quickly dismisses what was said about Beatrice, and does not listen to Tomazo. This is also seen in Endymion. Upon hearing Enydmion’s love for Cynthia, Eumenides advises him against it and states that his friend is “bewitched.” Both men go against others’ opinions for the sake of love. Through their stubbornness, this leads to a negative outcome. Ultimately, Alonzo is killed, and Endymion falls into a deep sleep that lasts many years. This shows their vulnerability and persistence towards love. They are unwilling to accept the reality, and continue to seek towards love.

The main drive of both these plays is love. They are willing to go through the obstacles in order to achieve their desires. Their driving force are their desires. They are too stubborn to realize the reality or to take the advice of those who are not blind with love. They are seeing these women with love instead of the naked eye. They allow themselves to be vulnerable towards their desires for these women, but are being stubborn to see and hear the reality.

About Angelic Rivera

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2 Responses to Stubbornness in Love

  1. PBerggren says:

    Yes, we’re seeing the persistence of many major themes as we move toward the end of our survey class. This theme is what is broached by Beatrice Joanna’s reference to the tension between eyes and judgment; it becomes clear that she’s judging with her will rather than her reason.

  2. peterb says:

    Tomazo and Jasperino warn their counterparts to think again about their relationship. Both of them dismiss this and move forward. Their perception of the scenario is obscured by love and they are not able to overcome Beatrice-Joanna’s advances. Ultimately they fall victim and Beatrice-Joanna becomes the femme fatale.

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