A New Way to Pay: Scene Study


Hi everyone.

This is the final scene study of the semester brought to you by Peter and Eugene. While we will gladly share some of the tribulations that we faced in the course of doing this in class tomorrow (namely filming a two-character scene with a crew of two already acting in the scene), for now try to absorb the hundred or so lines that are as densely packed and difficult to recite as they appear to be. I am sure that Massinger never intended the likes of us to perform this, but I suppose that is the price to pay for having your play last nearly 400 years.

Anyway, enjoy (or at least try to).

About peter d'antonio

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One Response to A New Way to Pay: Scene Study

  1. PBerggren says:

    Well, at least it wasn’t raining! The outdoor setting was perfect, if a little noisy. We shall hear more anon.

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