Office of National & Prestigious Fellowships Advising

Resources for Faculty

Role of Faculty

Baruch’s Faculty play a critical role in helping students apply for prestigious fellowships. There are many ways that faculty members can become involved in helping students realize their ambitions.

Learn about Fellowships and Baruch’s Office of Prestigious Fellowships Advising – If you would like to learn more about individual programs for which we advise students, please see the lists of scholarships and fellowships available on this website.  You can also request a classroom visit from the Fellowship Advisor to discuss a specific or general opportunities by emailing the Fellowships Advisor at

Identify Promising Students – As faculty you see the most promising and inspirational students. Promising students tend to stand out either through their academic accomplishments or their strong motivation and intellectual curiosity.  They deserve the chance to compete for prestigious scholarships, and our services exist to help them prepare to do just that.

Refer Students – You can refer a student to Baruch’s Fellowships Advisor, for a specific award or for general scholarship advising, simply contact the Fellowships Advisor, Valeria Hrimnak at

Mentor Fellowship Candidates – There are several ways to mentor fellowship candidates:

  • Provide critical feedback on their project ideas and fellowship applications. This will give students an advantage others won’t have.
  • Encourage students to become involved in any research endeavors that you or your colleagues are doing.
  • Recommend that they take challenging classes from your colleagues who you think will be able to inspire their best work.
  • Invite and encourage top students to attend lectures and other events that will broaden and deepen their education.
  • Be frank and honest in your feedback

Write Letters of Recommendation – Letters of recommendation are a crucial component of any fellowship application. The comments made in the letter should put the candidate’s accomplishments into perspective as well as offer important information on any special circumstances that can set them apart from other candidates. Click here to find Tips for Writing Strong Fellowship Letters of Recommendation

If a student reaches out to you to ask for a letter of recommendation you should carefully consider whether or not you know the student well enough to specifically and accurately comment on their qualifications, strengths, academic preparedness and appropriateness for the program to which they are applying.

Serve on a Campus Review Committee – Several fellowships require candidates to go through a campus screening or endorsement process in order to apply for the program.  In these cases a committee of faculty and advising staff will be convened to read applications, prepare candidates for interviews, and provide feedback to both the candidates and to the fellowship’s sponsoring organization.  If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, or would like to recommend a colleague, please contact Baruch’s Prestigious Fellowships Advisor at