Blog post 1

  1. I’m not really sure who I am. I don’t think there exist any significant differences between me and those around me–friends and strangers alike–so any qualities you see in others you’ll probably also see in me to one degree or another.
  2. My biggest concern is maintaining effective time-management. In contrast to high school, where my next destination was usually my next class until the last one of the day ended, there will be many gaps between classes and other activities to be filled. I hope I make the most out of those gaps. Also looming over my head are the classes I’ll be able to register for next semester. There are some class that I would really prefer to complete as soon as possible, but freshmen receive lowest priority in class selection. Finally, I worry about arriving at my classes on time, a concern that has some connections with my first one.
  3. The classes I’m currently enrolled in vary in enrollment from 19 to about 100. This wide range is different from the more-or-less constant enrollments across my high school classes, and can take some adjustment because different class sizes elicit different participation patterns. Additionally, the class size is usually inversely proportional to the amount of attention the professor can afford to any particular student.
  4. I don’t think how it will change me or how much it will can be accurately predicted because all changes occur, I think, gradually and subliminally. In a way, we are constantly changing; fittingly, we just notice the significant ones more.
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