Hello World!

1. Hi! My name is Sally Liang. I am just an ordinary girl trying to find my way in my first year of college. I am considered to be supportive and loyal to all my friends. In return, I expect the same from them. School wise, I am dedicated, but somehow, I became friends with procrastination during the last few months of senior year. This is a habit I hope to change in college.

2. There are some concerns I have as a freshman in Baruch. The first one would be keeping up my grades in every class. I know that as long as I work hard and keep up with my work, I would do well, but nonetheless college is different from high school. I feel that I have to bring in more as a college student. My second concern is food. In high school, I have free lunch and I never have to worry about going hungry. Now, I have to find ways to eat lunch without spending too much money and the only way I can think of now is bringing something from home. My third concern would be trying to get rid of my procrastinating habits. I developed this during senior year and I need to get rid of it if I want to keep up with my grades.  

3. The fact that my classes start at different times makes my Baruch College experience different from my high school experience already. During my senior year, I had a first period class and the teacher would always say that classes should start as late as 9 O’clock because then people would not be coming in late or falling asleep. I start class the earliest at 8:40 am., but that is only twice a week. I start class close to the afternoon on the other days. I feel less tired and was able to concentrate more in class during these days. Also, the big class size makes my Baruch College experience different. When I am in a class with a hundred or so people in it, I feel that there are a lot more opinions going around as opposed to a class of 20 or 30 people.

4. I think my first year of college will make me a more responsible person. I will also learn to be more independent because I am learning that everything in college depends on you. Whatever you do will shape your future.

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