Blog 2(monologue)

Hey, my name is Rezwan Chowdhury. Average is definitely a word to describe me, physically, academically, and athletically. At first glance I may seem very quiet and reserved, but once I am in my comfort zone I may say the stupidest, sometime humorous, thing. I identify myself as a Muslim-American-Bengali. My faith comes first, no matter what, and I primarily follow American culture. Sadly, I know very little of the Bengali culture. Living near Jackson Heights, this is not acceptable. If anyone has ever been to Jackson Heights you know what I mean. The area is filled with Desi people (folks from Indian sub-continent). There are a relatively good amount of Bengali families residing there so I really shouldn’t have an excuse. First year at Baruch is going well. I must say it is a big transition from high school. My main concern enteringthe school was friends. I didn’t know where to start or look. Most people look in class es, but I wanted to find people that were already adjusted to the Baruch culture. At the freshman convocation I was introduced to the Muslim Student Association (MSA) and met great people there. The upperclassmen there told me great deals about what classes to look out for, which professors are good, how to manage time, where to get great food, and how to succeed here in Baruch. I spend my free time there. The folks were very welcoming and I started my networking process. I hate Public Administration. The professor is bland and speaks in low monotone. There is a reason I am late to that class almost everyday. The subject is fairly interesting, but it’s hard when the only thing on your mind in class is to stay awake. To keep up with the class you have to read like there is no tomorrow. Considering I have to read extensively for all my classes, I am a little behind in Pub. I live by the motto “No pain, no gain” so the challenge will be worth it, hopefully. I like the independence and responsibility I have as a college student. It’s good for me. I love the architecture of Vertical campus building. It stands out in the midst of towering skyscrapers and is conveniently located. The subway is a block away, Duane Reade around the corner, and food venues everywhere you look. I came here to study business, obviously. Currently I am vacillating between international business and accounting. Almost everyone is an accountant major and I hear the competition is cut throat. I like to travel so international business is definitely an option, but I will have to look into both. I am also searching for my talent. Unfortunately I don’t know what it is. I may not even have one, but I am hoping Baruch will help me discover it.

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