Author Archives: hansol.oh

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Third Blog

            My experience at Baruch College has lived up to my expectation. I expected that study process in college will be harder than in high school. I also expected that there will be many new friends and many different classes that I like to take. In reality, as I expected, to study in college is really hard. There are a lot of reading assignments, essays and home works. I am having hard time to do those school works but I am really happy that I met many new friends. I like the classes that I am taking right now. Also I like the environment of Baruch College. It is clean more quiet than high school.

            My first semester at Baruch College was really hard for me. Before I started to go to Baruch College, mentally I was not ready for starting my college life. I could not get away from lazy habit that I had during the senior year in high school. And, right before the day of beginning of class, I had problems with college tuition bill and class schedule. I got stress from those problems so I could not adjust the college life quickly. Because of the lazy habit, when I have many assignments, I procrastinated. Of course, I did not well in my classes during this semester. I feel really bad for it.

            If I can do my first semester all over again, I would do better. I would sincerely do the classes assignments and I would never procrastinate. I had really hard time to prepare the tests in class during my first semester. I would prepare the tests in long time before the day of the tests if I can do my first semester over again. I would pay attention to classes and what I learn from professor more.

            I have changed since I started at Baruch College. I spend my most time with doing the school works. I barely contacts with my friends because of a lot of works. In my high school year, I usually slept at 11 or 12 but now I sleep at 2 or 3. Sometime I do not sleep at all. And I always anxious about school assignment, even though I complete the assignment, so I just got insomnia. But there are many good changes since the beginning at Baruch College. I become more responsible and social. Because I read many texts and books for class works, my knowledge become abundant.

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I liked victor’s presentation because he never looked at the paper and he just spoke his monologue with comfortable voice. That made me feel comfortable to listen to him even though he said little bit of curse.

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Hansolo’s monologue

First, one of things that I like myself is my name “Han-Sol.” My name was made by famous Korean Buddhist monk. As he made my name, he said my name will be widely spread out. I really believe that vision and hope it will become true. Another thing that I like myself is unconditional love. I never try to hate somebody. I try to give kindness and to be friendly to people. I don’t want to make any discomfort and hatred between my relationships. The things that I don’t like are timidity and shyness. I don’t usually stand in front of people because I worry how people think about me or laugh about me. I try to fix those things because I just realized standing out to the people rather than being nothing. Another thing that I don’t like is that I am a poor talker. I always spent most of time of conversation to listen to another and I don’t speak to people a lot.  These days, I try to talk first and to lead a conversation that I can make.

            Thing that makes me happy is vacation because I don’t have to feel stress for doing class assignments and I can enjoy my hobbies all the time. My friends and family make me happy. When I have hard time, they are always by my side and try to help me. Every time I am with them, I feel really comfortable and cheerful.

            In school, I think I’m still adjusting to this college. It is hard to manage my time to do too much class assignments. I spend whole day for doing class assignments and readings. Sometimes I procrastinate and just finish essays and assignment one day before the due. I need to spend my time to complete my assignments first and enjoy rest of my time to do my hobbies and to hang out with my friends. I want to make many new friends because most of my high school friends went to other colleges. So I think it is a chance to meet new people.

Hardworking is important to me. Even though I have ability to reach the highest goal, it is difficult to achieve a goal because I don’t work hard. My mother always told me that I can do everything I want if I try harder, but if I don’t, there will be nothing I can do. So I try to make effort to achieve my goal.

My motto is “Reality is Wrong Dreams are for Real” which means we shouldn’t give the reality because our dream will come true in it. It tells me that I shouldn’t mind what other people think of me and I should keep dreaming, but without escaping from reality

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            My name is Hansol. I am just normal boy who tried to be special. I always dream to live a worthy life. I try to work hard on everything that I want to do or need to do but I am really lazy. I am not unwearied person so it is hard for me to finish something completely. Because I am always being a listener to other people, I have weakness that I cannot speak to the people with confidence. I try to find my talent because my friends told me that I have special talent and I try to be confidence.

            There are three main concerns about my freshmen year at Baruch. First one is to be responsible to my works and my future. Because sometime I did not take care of my school works and just procrastinate them even though I know it would make bad consequences. I heard from many college students friends. They told me I have to be more responsible in college than high school. Second one is to have passion and tenacity because there will be many works that I have to complete from many classes. Of course I do not want to do all the work however if I challenge them and complete them with tenacity, I am going to have courage to achieve. Third one is to believe and trust myself because I know I have ability to do any works.

            There are some difference experience between high school and college. In college, I have to take care of my works by myself. Nobody will urge me to work hard unlike in high school.

            The first year of college will make me change. It will make me more responsible, experience more areas that I want.

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