Author Archives: thuy.dao

Posts: 3 (archived below)
Comments: 1

Assessment of the first semester

The experience at Baruch did not live up to my expectations. It is not so much the school but more of my fault. I think I have yet to experience the things I’m supposed to when I’m in college. I think it is only because I didn’t endeavor to do so. I didn’t join any clubs or make friends (to hang out with). Many people told me that if they can go back and repeat a time of their life, they would go back to college. I want to look back at my experiences and say the same thing.

The first semester went by quickly. Before I know it the end was already approaching. I think I got mediocre grades. I can’t be too proud of myself when I know I could have done better. Next semester I’m determined to change my ways. First I would spend less time doing useless things and read more. The results in my works really reflect on how much time I spend on it. Studying should also be the same. Perhaps dividing up the work would be a better method to study that would fit into my work and school schedule. Another lesson I learned was always communicate with you professor. They are there to help you. Furthermore, sitting near the front makes it easier to participate and ask questions in class.

If I can go back in time and change something, I think I would spend more time in the library than at home. I recently realized the satisfying feeling when one is being productive with time. If I did maybe I could of slept more and participate in other school related activities.

I’m did not change much since I started college. I see the world a little bit different from before. Anthropology and Philosophy works have open my mind to question what I had deemed as natural and fixed. In a way it helps me understand how the world functions. I guess what I’m trying to say it encourage me to be skeptical.

My goal for the next semester is the same as it was when I started college that is time management, the key to a successful college year/ social life. I want to feel healthy and free of stress. I want to enjoy what college has to offer and more, so I will strive for improvements until the day I graduate.

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Monologue Speech- comments

To start off I would like to say that all of the monologues were enjoyable, but the ones that sticked out for me were Kimberly’s D., Han, and Lucas. My choices had nothing to do with who I thought did the best on the speech, but who I related to the most.

Kimberly – Her family situation is very similar to mine. My parents are also immigrants and they also not fluent in English. Actually, they have many difficulties with the language barrier, thus more responsibilities are placed on me. Kimberly is clearly a model daughter and some one I wish I could be. This is where our differences lie. I also had the choice to go a college close by but I choose to go away.

Han – He is not very sociable so I was curious, and I wanted to know about him. Han’s tone of voice is hard to follow but his intelligent kept me all ears. I have classes with him so I understand the problems he discussed. Anyway, his passion for learning and devotion for school is to be admired; so even if he has problems proving his point, he brings up very interesting view points in class. Han successful challenge the teachers through texts. He’s not content with his argument, so work until he does but I think he should be proud.

Lucas – I think his confidence is admirable. He is definitely more eccentric when he speaks in public but that is what makes him interesting. He creates an impression that hard to forget and he is very honest; you really can’t hate a guy like that.

Overall, I think everyone shared a big part of themselves to the audience, from happy moments to a past he or she was not really to reveal. I think the class was a success because I learned who each and every one of these people were despite their nervousness.

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Monologue (Thuy Dao)


I had a lot of worries when I started school, as I already mentioned in my last comment. Well that was when I first begin school. Now all my worries had become a reality and I had found some kind of balance between play and work. Keeping up with the deadline for essays and readings was not an easy task. Not only you didn’t have the time of the day but most of the readings were in an ancient language that was difficult to understand. However, I had managed to complete my assignments on time and make time for friends and food. The fact that we have the privilege to endless materials and database certainly helped. Furthermore, we have access to help, for instance the writing center or the tutoring center.

About myself:

Among the characteristics I like about myself are: open mind, adventurous, and unique. I think the list of what I don’t like about myself is definitely longer; but one that bothers me the most is my terrible communication skills with my family. Why is it so much easier to deal with strangers than your own flesh and blood? I guess every factor in your life comes in place, and they are the ones that stick with you the longest, the past, the present and hopefully the future. Not able to express your feelings properly has lead me to many misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts. The worst part of it all is if you don’t fix it, it becomes part of your attitude and behavior. But, they will always be the most important people to me, my priority. Perhaps the source of my deepest fear us rooted in this problem. I hate being by myself. I think loneliness can destroy a person from the inside out. Humans naturally seek companionships, we feel uncomfortable being alone or away from our love ones.

My thoughts:

Our culture of consumerism encourages us to find happiness in materialistic things, but it can only provide us temporary happiness. Recently, my anthropology class has me thinking, simple living might be a preferable living style. It is not easy to let go of a life style you have been living for almost all your life. Very slowly, I hope I can eliminate the urge to spend money and buy unnecessary items.

My motto:

My personal motto: do not judge a book by its cover. I guess it is an attempt to not follow the conformity of society and not taking symbolic cues from some one’s appearance that can be different depends on where you lived.

My mom, me and my brother

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