Your First Semester

Now that your first semester at Baruch College is nearly complete, how was it? Reflect on the following 4 questions and feel free to integrate media into your post! 🙂

a. Tell us how your experience at Baruch College has lived up to your expectations? Not lived up to your expectations? Exceeded your expectations?
b. How well do you think your first semester at Baruch College went?
c. What would you do differently during your first semester is you could do it all again?
d. How have you changed since you started at Baruch College?

250 – 500 word count for your response

The monologue

I am unsure how to start this monologue but since you said we can use the topic from our free-writing during class i guess ill write about some things i dislike in particular about baruch and to balance it some things i do like

one thing i dislike is that i have to take the train every morning i used to love taking the train when i first started during 9th grade i thought it was cool to take a train instead of walking for 10 minutes now i realize there’s nothing that great about rushing for the train, being squished next to strange people and often being late

i also dislike that the sixth floor of the library is not connected to floors 2-5 its so annoying to walk down take the elevator just to take the elevator back down and walk up again Im not lazy ^_^

one thing i do like though is how much bigger the buildings are and how long the breaks often are

this is not my original monologue but i really dont know wat i saved it sorry crystal 🙂 oh and u told me to post this as soon as possible sorry so late


Ask any student, and they will probably confess their deep-seeded resentment towards public speaking. Many will go to extreme lengths, taking any and every precaution in order to avoid the odious task and, ideally, thwart the likelihood of being judged. What most don’t realize, and what some refute, is that public speaking is fundamentally tied to the principles of education, and- at best- students unwilling to satisfy its basic prerequisites will find themselves handicapped. Now, having said that, public speaking presents one with a plethora of challenges: the task of charging the audience with empathy, the strife to promote an idea and motivate listeners, the finesse to showcase satire or a facetious argument, all while maintaining poise and a pleasant- or at least tolerable- disposition. Standing before you, I find myself obligated to mention that not too long ago my younger self could not fathom attempting any of the above, much less excelling at public speaking. It was not uncommon, given the insecurities of adapting to a new language, that I seldom spoke out loud and almost never gave an oration unless my leeway was somehow limited. Yet, as it happens, the most difficult aspect of presenting your ideas is finding the incentive to speak and forgetting- for the moment being- any negative attention that you may instigate. By refraining from making one’s voice heard, not only in the the confines of school but in worldly issues as well, we cheat our intellect and become detrimental to progress.


Sometimes I wish I can go back in time and change my mistakes. Don’t you wish there is a time machine where you can go back in time? Maybe I’ll invent one when I grow up.  You never know… So let me tell you my story. When I was in 5th grade, the time where I was very immature, I didn’t know right from wrong. I moved from Georgia back to New York City and I was trying to fit in. If you’re a 10 year old, all you want to do is make friends, lots of friends. So, there was this really sweet girl that was soooooo friendly to me on my first day of class, which is currently my best friend, maybe more than that, she’s like a sister now. But obviously, there was a history we had to go through that made our friendship stronger.  So, you know how girls are sometimes. We’re always passing rumors and stabbing each other’s back. Yeah, I childish right? Well, I bet everyone had one of those times. Anyways, so everything started from jealousy and attention. I was friends with this girl; I’ll just call her Jessica..since I don’t want to use names. I guess she was really jealous of my relationship with my best friend so she lied to me about so many things and basically instigated me; and it worked! I can’t believe I was so stupid to believe it…but I mean, we’re kids…we don’t know better. Plus, I guess I was somewhat a dramatic person. So, basically, it started from that and I hated her more because I saw her flirting with a guy that I had a crush on. It just gave me more reasons to hate her, when it really wasn’t what it seemed. So Jessica and I started on a tour to tell the whole school not to be friends with Lu and surprisingly. Nobody talked to her. She was ostracized by the whole school. The problem didn’t just end there, we tried to scare her and made her give us money, but it was mostly Jessica’s plan. I still had a soft heart. Well…my point of the story was, after two months passed and I realized Jessica was very fake and not a good friend. It just didn’t feel right. I started to miss the old days with my best friend.  I remember it was raining one day and she was outside my balcony asking me to forgive her. Jessica was over my house that time and she kept instigating and I was swaying back and forth. I listened to Jessica and threw my best friend’s hairclip down and balcony and told her to leave. I’ll never forget that was such a depressing moment and I regret what I did. Even after all that, she forgave me when I called her one day because I missed her. I realize I was under the influence and pressure. I guess it was the attention, gossip, all that stupid stuff. I learn to not always go with the crowd. Good friends aren’t always easy to find.

THE Monologue

I go to school only to anticipate my departure from it. I often find myself in various classes dozing off, daydreaming, and simply, lost. The movement of my professor’s mouth is vivid, yet the words that come out from it, disperses in the air, and I am left trying to remember what those words were. But that’s not all. How can they expect us to read numerous amounts of pages and understand them? How can they give us an essay due the same day? Maybe these complaints come from my lack of rest. I feel like it gets harder to find time to just sit back and relax. I just want to sleep without my 6 o’clock alarm going off, forcing me up to prepare for what seems to be, a day that’ll never end. I just want to go home and lie down, free from the chains that bound me to textbooks and work. I just want to go out and have fun without worrying when assignments are due. I wonder everyday, what is the meaning of life?

Le Monologueeeeeeeeeeeeee!

“When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happens.” Now, that was a quote someone wise once said to me. Well actually, I think I read that off the Internet somewhere, but in any case, I’m the type of person who wonders what happens. It’s a scary thing lying awake during one of those sleepless nights for the reason that all you do is stare at the ceiling; such a simple occurrence, yet it really does make all the difference. I like to just lie there and plan out my future, but then my plans and fears start to collaborate and I let it get the best of me. I think to myself, Is that really all to life? Your beginning years are spent educating and prepping yourself in order to get a career when you’re older, which you may or may not enjoy, so that you can support a family, who may or may not appreciate you. That’s the human routine. I guess it’s true what they say; life’s, for lack of a better term, a female dog and then you die, unless you’re one of those “go-getter” types of people who actually made a difference in your lifetime. What have I done lately? Nothing much. Will I be doing anything to change that? Maybe, but who really knows? I don’t, that’s for sure. I won’t know until that period passes. But these are the kinds of thoughts that rattle my brain at night. So I ask, keeping in mind all that I’ve said, What have you done lately?


Vanessa Pereira
​When I asked my cousin about her experience in college, she told me that it was really hard, but fun. I’ve only been a college student for about 2 months but I get what she means. When it comes to the difficulty level, it isn’t really the work that is hard, or even the load, it is the act of balancing everything together. Living away from home, not having to worry about parents knowing your every movement or asking for permission to do anything it’ s nice but at the same time we forget to make boundaries for ourselves.
​In my first month, of college, I can’t remember a time when I did homework or studied in my room, at least not before midnight. What I can remember is struggling to finish a paper an hour before class and feeling tremendously tired because I hung out with my roommates until 2 or 3 in the morning. I always put things off and since most of my homework consisted of reading, it was easy for me to put it off and even easier for me to end up with 10 chapters instead of 2 to read the night before a test. Living in the city makes it even harder to focus on school work, since there is always something to do and so many places to shop and eat. Having a roommate who only started school in late September, always wanting to party, or have friends over doesn’t make it any easier.
​Why do I always do this to myself? That’s what I ask myself when I’m cramming for a test the night before or finishing a paper and sending it at exactly the time that it is due. I know that I am easily stressed, even over nothing, yet I continue to procrastinate and leave everything to the last minute. It would be a lot easier if I could just get the assignment and do it as soon as possible, but it is easier said than done, I mean it’s exactly 3:16 a.m. and I still haven’t finished typing this monologue. In high school, it wasn’t a big difference for me, in fact I feel like I had a heavier work load than I do now and I still procrastinated. However, the difference is that I always had teachers who would let us know if we were failing and continuously remind us when things were due and if things were not handed in. Not only that but I also had my parents who would constantly ask me if my work was done. I hardly ever went out during the week, especially since most of my friends didn’t either. Also, knowing that my parents were going to see my report card I made sure that I kept my grades up.
​College is different, not just harder. There is no progress report sent to my parents or teachers who remind us when assignments are due or who tell us if we are failing. It all depends on us. I have to have the motivation for myself to keep up my grades and to make sure that everything gets done. I also have to be the one to realize that maybe it is worth doing things ahead of time, and to decide if I am making the right choice by going out or spending time with friends instead of doing my school work. I realize all of this now as I am saying it, but then again as I am saying this I realize I probably won’t stop procrastinating and stressing myself out.

How did I end up here?

Have you ever wondered, “How did I end up here?” How did I end up where I am right now, in this moment, in this exact spot? What did I do, who did I meet to end up here? I’m sure you’ve all seen a TV show or a movie where a character builds a time machine, goes back in time, steps on a leaf, comes back to the future, and everything is changed. Could I have ended up in a better place? Maybe worse? Did I succeed or fail? What if I never picked up that cigarette, that blunt, that bottle of beer, that shot, or even this pen? What if I never went to that party, that club, that house, or to school? What if I never kissed that boy, or that girl? What if I never ran for that bus, that train, or even for that position? What if I never studied, never slept, or never ate?  Would I still be here? Would I be here at Baruch College? Would I even be in college at all? Would I still be who I am today? How did all these events fall into place to bring me to where I am right now? How did the universal bring together all these people to put me here? How in the world did I end up here? No, not here physically right now in Baruch College. Not walking down the hallway to here, not the flights of stairs down here, not the train or bus ride here, and not even this assignment that brought me in front of 20 other people here. So, let me ask you again, have you ever wondered how you got here?




I am supposed write this monologue about myself which seems to be rather difficult. First let me tell you a little about myself. Basically I am Indian-American. My parents both came from India and I have two siblings, a brother and sister. My family is almost everything for me and I greatly appreciate them for everything they have done for me. I was born and raised in Queens, New York. I never plan on moving out of New York because I love the state.

Now let’s talk about some of my hobbies and interests. Basically what I like to do during my free time is watch movies or television shows. I mainly watch Indian movies or TV shows because they are really entertaining. Unlike the American TV shows, the Indian one’s come on every day which is a good thing because you can never get tired of them. I also like a lot of sports. But my favorite sport has to be basketball. I have loved basketball from the time I was very young. I love playing basketball with my siblings or cousins because it is really fun. I also like to watch the NBA and my favorite team ironically is the Los Angeles Lakers. However, right now there is most likely going to be no season due to the lockout.

Now I am currently attend Baruch College as you all know and hope to major in business. I came to Baruch College completely nervous and expecting everything to be so difficult. I thought every class I took would be extremely difficult and require a lot of work to be done. Well, I feel pats of my expectations have come true. The parts that came true are that the classes are difficult and really do require me working hard. In most of my classes I have to read a lot for every session. Also, for classes there are a lot of writing assignments which can get really annoying after a while. However, in general I think that college has not been as hard as I thought it would. This is mainly because of two hour gaps that I have. During this time I am able to get all my work done which allows me to just relax when I am at home. But I don’t expect college to be like this the next few years. Those years are definitely going to be a lot more challenging. So far I really like this college and I don’t plan on transferring anymore.


Today I am going to talk about my special high school life.

As you can see, I am a Chinese and I am also made in China. I spent the first two years of high school life in China and the other two years in Brooklyn. The high school life in China is the most difficult time in my life. When I was a Junior in Chinese high school, I had classes for six and half days per week. I had to wake up at 6 am every day because the first class started at 7 am. After 4 classes in the morning, I had a 2 hour break. This was just the time for lunch and homework. I had another 4 classes in the afternoon, and then, I ate dinner and started doing homework again! Moreover, I had to go to school to do our homework at night until 10 pm. Although I spent all my time doing my homework, there was still tons of homework waiting for me. Anyway, I survived. I feel lucky I can stand here today.