Welcome LC 19!

Welcome to Baruch, LC19! My name is Crystal Zhang and I’ll be your Peer Mentor for your Freshman Seminar class. I’m really excited to be your Peer Mentor (no lie, LOL) and I look forward to instructing your class with Ben. Baruch is a pretty awesome college and you will all find many opportunities when you can join clubs and organizations and get into the flow of college. I hope you guys will feel comfortable to come up to me if you need help or want to talk about anything and everything.

Part of the coursework in order for you to pass Freshman Seminar is to complete 3 required posts on this Blogs@Baruch site. (I’ll let you know which ones are mandatory.) In addition to these 3 posts, you have the option to blog about other topics. The additional blog posts are not mandatory but let’s just do it for fun so we can all get to know each other better. If you need any help with this site, let me know.

Keep in mind that your entries here are accessible everywhere because it’s a shared space so keep it clean and be nice to each other. Love you all! 🙂 <3


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