
The scene that I’d particularly like to discuss is the one pertaining to marriage. I found it to be quite amusing how the old lady firmly believed that marriage should be arranged by parents. In fact, some cultures continue to believe that to this day. Overall, this scene shows how a feudal system can be detrimental to life, which in turn creates a huge obstacle between two people whom genuinely love each other and desire to get married. Evidently, without a doubt, just as most forbidden love stories, a tragedy occurs. How would you react if something of this nature happened to you?

Through this portion of the reading, there is an emphasis on power and on how living up to expect ions is the route to take. It is clear that freedom wasn’t granted because the “authoritative figures” of these families seemed to live by a “my way or the highway” motto. I understand that rules have been established to keep some kind of order, but if we were all to live this way, with fear of doing things our own way and limit ourselves strictly to what our families think is the “right” way, life would be boring. The beauty in life is freedom. We are able to explore our own desires and create the story that we want to create, instead of a living through the predetermined one that was created by our elders.


Be A Walking ‘Stone’!

A stone and a flower came into life through hands of a monk. They, Baoyu and Daiyu, were born human to complete their earthly fates, their disposition life — the stone to experience earthly life and the flower to love the stone to repay his kindness on her. Their lives ended in miseries, disappointment, and death because of other people’s involvement and decisions, in this story their families. Their love shattered. Their wishes unfulfilled.

The novel’s ending might have been very different if Baoyu and Daiyu had stood up and fought for their heartfelt love.

The Story of the Stone by Cao Xueqin has a lot to do with fate, a disposition of one’s life. This is not a made-up concept to make a set-up for his novel. It is indeed a belief upheld by many people then and now. They believe that much of what happens in their lives are supposed to be so. It is predetermined by their fates. If it is so, there is no other way around it. How can it be worth trying to do it otherwise when anything and everything we do will never push this life beyond the border of fate?

My friends, don’t you ever do what others tell you to do? Don’t you ever believe what people tell you to believe? Much of this life is the speculation of your own actions. Yes, we may be born a stone, since we cannot control the creation part; but be a walking one! Choose your own path and walk your own journey! Many people will come and tell us which way to go; but “in the end the only steps that matter are the ones you take all by yourself” (Can’t go back now, Weepies).

No Free on Marriage

The story of the stone by Xue Qin Cao is the one of four great literatures. Even though, I had known this story for many years ago, I did not have the chance to read all. This story is seemed to be the love between the three people, but I think it also showed the people during that time is very traditional thinking. On the chapter 97, it told about when Jia’s family wants Baoyu to have the married, because Daiyu was ill and Baoyu was also ill, so they want Baoyu to married Baochai who have more health and Jia’s family also feel like the marriage can help Baoyu to get the better. Even though, they knew Baoyu was like to marry Daiyu, they still did not respect the truth love in that time. When Daiyu knew that Baoyu will be marrying with Baochai, she burned her poems in order to show the resentful, even she could change anything.

In this story, I could see during that time of period, people always think about themselves and young women had no right to change anything. And also the marriage will never do by two people; they always work on two families.  The family always ignores the truth love between their children; the only thing that they care about is the benefit that they gain during this marriage. I do not like this story very much, because during that time, people had more chance who they want to marry, the only thing that they can do is to obey their family.


The Story of the Stone by Cao Xueqin



The story starts with in the dreamlike world where a magical and conscious stone, the one block left over by the goddess Nu-wa while repairing the damaged vault of the sky in the mythic past. Along came a monk and a Taoist priest who decided to make it human and let it live/experience the world. The stone was born human named Jiabaoyu because he was born with a jade in his mouth. He later falls in love with his cousin Lin Daiyu, the flower he watered with his magical sweet dew while serving in at the goddess’ court as a stone.

Later on Jiabaoyu’s family decided that he should marry his other cousin Xue Baochai, because she had a golden locket with an inscription that matches Boayu’s jade and couldn’t do anything about it because his family had spoken. Lin Daiyu ended her own life after hearing that should marry Xue Baochai not her. Jiabaoyu was unhappy, miserable and lonely because of the decision his family had made for him, it’s like they had changed his destiny to the road of misery. He renounced to everything and went to live alone as a monk.

The time this story was written the Chinese people has a very strong traditional background, it reflected on the social problems they had at that particular time. The writer because he was trying to point out that their society was corrupted, and the lack of freedom, not been able to express or live your true feelings. Was the author trying to convince his audiences not follow the values of traditions, culture, and or the corrupted society, but their own happiness? Did his story help others realize it that it was time for a better future, were they could make their own decisions? Can say that the Cao Xueqin was an enlightenment thinker?


Cao Xueqin’s The Story of the Stone.

Question. Was I the only one that was a little confused with this drama?

Vernacular literature, according to the merriam webster dictionary is:

a : using a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language

b : of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country

c : of, relating to, or being the normal spoken form of a language

The connection between Vernacular literature and China occurred during the Yuan Dynasty between 1279-1368 due to the major changes in political and social aspects in China. At this point of time, China did not have a traditional dramatic form of literature. One of the more popular vernacular forms of literature was Cao Xueqin’s, “The Story of the Stone” which is said to deal with issues concerning “intellectual, artistic, and sexual aspirations in life”. Cao Xueqin can be considered a person who was well off at his time but the writer of his biography suggests that the demise of his family’s possessions, including their mansion was confiscated probably due to “political intrigues”. “The Story of the Stone” was never intended for publication and was revised with added chapters done by many different authors which  I find to be quite intriguing because each author adds in their own taste to the novel/drama.

Our world of illusion

The most intriguing part of The Story of The Stone is the envisioned entrance to the mortal world. The monk and the Taoist approached a gateway to the mortal world with the inscription “The Land of Illusion” that implies our mortal world is not the reality we percieve it to be. Although this is not a new idea we are introduced to, I still find it quite captivating. The monk and Taoist somehow managed to escape the world of illusion, I assume this is because of the nature of the Bhuddist faith; that those who are very close to their religion won’t be subjected to the tortures of mortal life. What I can’t seem to decipher though is the other inscription on the archway; “Truth becomes fiction when the fiction’s true; real become not-real where the unreal’s real.” Why the use of different words for truth (truth/real) and deception (fiction/not-real/unreal)? Was it simply to keep the reader captivated by its mysticism? Or is there a seperate meaning for each of these phrases that is less obvious than what we take it as at face value?


If our world is made up entirely of illusions what is the purpose of continuing our existence? To seek the truth, to find enlightenment, could these goals really make it worthwhile to exist in a world full of falsehoods and deception? It seems quite humanitarian to want to seek out the truth behind all the falsehoods of humanity. Enlightenment for oneself can only benefit all those around you, since you will be able to remove the veil of deception from their eyes and help them on their own way to finding truth. The message I get from this story is one that still resonates today, and has resonated through most of the readings we have done in class so far. This is the message that one needs to take matters into their own hands because the ruling forces in our world are corrupt and decieving.

The Classic Work of Chinese Literature

When people talk about Chinese literature, do not mention The story of the Stone is impossible. The influence of the novel is so great that many specialists spend their whole life on this book. I first read this book in Chinese when I was sixteen years old. The author lived in Qing dynasty, so the language of this book is ancient Chinese. Ancient Chinese has some difference with the Chinese which we speak right now. It is much harder to translate into another language. The language gap of translation cannot be avoided, but the story is still wonderful.

The story is about a big family Jia. It also includes love stories and reflects the social problem of the dynasty. In Chapter 1, the author introduced the origin of the stone. The stone was used by the goddess Nu-wa to repair the sky. Why did the author use the traditional Chinese folk tale to be the background of the story? Many specialists believe that the author was not satisfied with the society and hope the society can be fixed just like Nu-wa repaired the sky. Readers have their own understanding on the work. Furthermore, many people find that every time you read the story you can create new understanding of the novel. This is the reason why so many specialists spend their whole life on reading and studying this work. I believe the lecture of the work will be interesting because we can share different understanding of the novel. It may be hard to understand the traditional Chinese culture in the novel. So I attached the TV series of the novel, I hope you will enjoy it.

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Contribute to love, not always get from it




      Caoxueqin’s “the story of stone” is one of the greatest long novel in China. It shows us exactly the best and worst of traditional China. I am interested in this novel because it begins with the mythology that shows me the magical stone was left by goodness Nv Wa when she repaired the damage of sky. The stone transported into mortal world as Jiabaoyu, in Jia household and began his flexural life.

       This novel consist different kinds of characters and represents their tragic love. For example, the relationship between the stone and Crimson Pearl Flower imply the love between main characters, Baoyu and his cousin Lindaiyu. Although Jiabayou and Lindaiyu loved each other very much, they were not accepted to get marriage in the cruel feudal society. Jiabaoyu was forced to marry Baochai because older members in the family thought baoyu’s jade matched baochai’s gold locket. Baoyu and Daiyu are tragic characters in the end of the story. This novel talk about other people‘s love such tangchun, yingchun and third sister you, who contributed her life for her love. I feel the different taste of love in the large family and feel their courage to love. They did not care about the level, money and power when they fell in love. For example Shiqi, Yinchun’s maid, and Panyou loved each other and tried their best to get together.

     People in Jia household always tried their best to love each other without caring the level and power. I feel that people right now care too much on power and money in their marriage. Some girls mention that they will not marry to their mate if they do not have own house and car. Although substances are very important in the marriage, they are not the key for two people to marry. I cannot imagine that couple only care about money and do not love each other. We should learn from these characters in “the story of stone” that we should know contribute to our love, not always get things from it.



The Story of the Stone



“The Story of the Stone” is one of the four famous Chinese classical novels.  The story was written in Qing dynasty, Cao Xueqing was tried to expose societal dark by using this book. Basically, the first chapter is kind of introducing the different characters in the story. Some part of this chapter is describing the unreal world; the story is beginning with a stone. The author is trying to by using the stone bring out the story. The main characters are Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu. The story is talking about the love story of the two characters’ and it also talking about the Jia’s family story. Daiyu is the old lady Jia‘s granddaughter, and the following two chapters are talking about Daiyu’s mother died, and then Daiyu came to Jias of Rongguo House.

Actually, I read this novel when I was at middle school in China. “The Story of the Stone” as a requirement novel in Chinese middle school, every student needs to read this novel.   When I read this story at first time, I did not really understand what the story was talking about.  The reason is that there were many ancient Chinese words; the author also used many poems to explain his feelings.  After I got to understand this tory, I was interested in this story. It was not just a story; the author was trying to explore the realistic of the society in that dynasty. From the beginning the story, the author pointed out that “Pages full of idle words, Penned with hot and bitter tears:  All men call the author fool; None his secret message hears.”  From this short message, we could know that the author tried to expose the corrupt society. In that dynasty, people could not express anything they wanted, so they needed to use story to tell people what they tried to tell to the society. In a word, all truth would be covered. “Truth becomes fiction when the fiction’s true.”

Candide evolving

Growth can be a slow and tedious process. Voltaire’s “Candide” is not just a satirical commentary on humanity, but a piece that can be interpreted as a story of change and progress. Throughout the piece the main character, Candide, is faced with the numerous challenges. These events force Candide to reevaluate his life and change his perspective on reality. The beauty of “Candide” is its accessibility. It is an easy story to read with deep meanings hidden within.

One message Voltaire conveys in his piece is the importance of self improvement. If you wish to see change in this world, you must first seek it within yourself. Candide figures this to be true only at the end of the novel, after breaking out of philosophical prison he was brought into by Pangloss, his childhood tutor.  Finally after all the misfortunes and mishaps, Candide began to think for himself, and therefore he decided to make his own decision to cultivate a farm, and to live off the land. No longer a slave to someone else’s logic, Voltaire leaves us hoping that we too, will make our own decisions, and live according our own philosophy, not one given to us by someone else.