Is That the Best of All Possible Worlds?

Corrupted Curches                    Selfish Authorities


Voltaire was one of the Enlightenment thinker, “who embodied the values of human rights, freedom and tolerance, the hope for progress through reasonable debate, and the urgent desire to end human suffering where we can.” “These ideals of Enlightenment helped shape our own political, and sociological landscape nowadays.”

Pangloss irritated Voltaire by asserting Candide that “everything is for the best in this world, that their world was the best of all possible worlds” because he had struggled too, he has experience almost similar difficulties too, but it’s certainly not the type of philosophical thinking that helped him overcome it.

Voltaire was a trouble to the authorities because he didn’t just fold his hands and justify the bad attitudes of the corrupted churches, and selfish authorities toward the population as an unknown a reason. He used his reason to bring light into the lives of those who were living in total darkness and that lead him to a big problem. He had suffered a lot during his lifetime; he was imprisoned in the Bastille, later exiled to England, humiliated in the Royal courts of France and Prussia. He had to seek for refuge to avoid persecution from the French authorities and corrupt churches.

As a Deist, Voltaire believed that as human beings God gave us reason and left us to freely us it.  To Voltaire, being optimistic about unexpected events that have damaging effects on the society, assuming that assuming positive things would happen after all that was the most absurd way of thinking as a philosopher.

Things never happen without at least one reason and by focusing on them, we as human beings will always solve the problems.