Midterm Questions

1.The Declaration of indepence was an important document in America’s history. How did the enlightenment and writers like Kant and Voltaire influence the writers of the declation?

2. Throughout this semeseter we approached and read works of literarture containing satire. Explain how it plays a key role in the works we read and how it makes the pieces more interesting.


Mid-Term Questions

1) Who was Fredrick Douglas’s audience white or black folks? What was he trying to convey them? And how did he do it?

 2) Sor Juana DE La Cruz was a great poem writers. Her art was based on a strong criticism of men in a very serious tone. Why did she give up writing when her library was burnt down? Why not fight her opponents?


Why did Frederick Douglass feel as if Christmas was nothing but a mocker for a slave?


What type of literary style of writing did Jonathan Swift use in his piece A Modest Proposal, and how do you think thats significant in getting his message across?


1) If Kant were alive today, would he publish ” What is Enlightenment” ? Why or why not?

2) How are Kant, Swift, Fredrick Douglas and Bartelby similar ?



Midterm Questions

1.What message did Herman Melville try to send out through “Bartleby, the Scrivener? Why Bartleby always said “I prefer not to”?

2. “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” has some female characters such as Sophia Auld. What is the role of these female characters?

Mid-Term Questions

1. What is enlightenment? Are we enlightened? By using the texts that we have read in class describe what enlightenment is and how we have or have not been able to be enlightened.

2. In Melville’s Bartleby, Bartleby is faced with depression and states that he will prefer not to do almost anything that his boss asks him too. In a brief essay format please compare and contrast if depression such as the type Bartleby portrayed in the short story would be successful in today’s society.

In the Story of the Stone Baoyu is sorrounded by women, why would the author sorround Baoyu with women? Would the story have been different if Baoyu was sorrounded by men? Explain how and why.


What prpose does Melville havin creating a character like Bartleby? Is he a commentary on corporate office workers or something more than that?

Midterm Questions

  1. The Declaration of Independence was written to state that the new American colonies were no longer a part of Great Britain. What makes the US Declaration of Independence a great work of literature?
  2. How are Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal works of Enlightenment?