Declare Enlightenment


  1. The act of declaring; announcement.
  2. A formal statement; proclamation.

I think Declaration is one of best express way to announce and proclaim about historically a momentous event. It influences distinguished in many different fields which is social, political, culture, and science etc. And “The Declaration of Independence” was involved and proved Enlightenment by scientific, moral/philosophical, and political justification.

“Declare the causes which impel them to the Separation” it is a scientific justification which is cause and effect relationship. Enlightenment influenced to develop science. People began to think and search what is cause and what is effect it made people more logically and scientific.

“Unalienable Rights” and ”Pursuit of Happiness” it is a Moral/ philosophical justification. It means that rights held to be inherent in natural law, not dependent on government. It is also one of Enlightenment. And all people have right to pursuit of happiness so people respect each other and began to keep their right. It made people thinking people has equal value and right.

“That to secure these right” it explains social contract. Social contract is a voluntary agreement among individuals to secure their rights and welfare by creating a government and abiding by its rules. Before Enlightenment, most people thought that king or governor was given by God so people are obeyed by them. But it tells that government is creating just by voluntary agreement among individuals it is not given by God just God gave to us unalienable Right and pursuit of happiness so to keep our rights we are creating a government.

In short, “The Declaration of Independence” involved Enlightenment and it influenced distinguished in many different fields.