“Bartleby the scrivener” by Herman Melvin


          “Bartleby the scrivener” be Herman Melvin was an amazing story. It all happened in a law firm constructed by a lawyer, the boss, Turkey the scrivener who works hard in the morning time, Nippers the young ambitious scrivener who had stomach trouble during the morning, but was more productive after lunch time, and the errand-boy whose nickname was Ginger Nut. The boss managed with them in a daily basis, but later need more help, he then hired Bartleby. At the beginning Bartleby was a very hard working person and productive so the boss became pleased with him over the other employees. But later on, Bartleby had a very strange attitude towards the boss. He refused to do even the routine tasks in the office, he to do the job assigned to him politely by saying “I prefer not to.” The boss was amazed by his reaction, but did not sanction him from work. The other employees were very upset about that attitude of Bartleby and began hating him because the boss still favors him over them after all this.

I think that Bartleby had some personal issues going on in his life and could not handle it in his own, which is why he was reacting like that at work. He did not want a social life, he refuses to eat, from here we can say that he did not feel good about himself; he was missing something in his life. He felt that he needed more freedom, but he chose a very wrong way of claiming it. He died in a very pitiful way, sad, depressed, and lonely in a dark life.

I can say that there is no Bartley in today’s society at the work places. Even we do not want do a job we are assigned to, we will end up doing it because we are lack of choice and power. If one resigns for a position, there will be tones of individuals available for that position. Be smart, be mature and be careful before you make any decision!!!