Midterm Questions

Question One: Analyze the quote, “Bartleby was one of those beings of whom nothing is ascertainable, except from the original sources, and in his case those are very small”. Discuss how this quote may relate to what we find out about Bartleby at the end of the story.

Question Two:  In the text “A Modest Proposal”, the use of humor or otherwise more specifically the use of satire is very significant. Discuss and support why this is, in other words, why did Swift use humor when making a proposal on such a serious topic?

One thought on “Midterm Questions

  1. Question 1: Write a comparative essay discussing the poverty/class distinction experienced in Candide and A Modest Proposal.

    Question 2: As one of the figures of Enlightenment, Voltaire satirically addresses gender issues within the plot line of Candide. Do you agree? Use concrete examples to support your arguments.

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