Info for my event…

Hi all,

As promised, here’s the details for the reading I mentioned in our last class.

Wednesday, May 22

erica kaufman & Simone White

8PM @ The Poetry Project

($7 for students–bring an ID)

erica kaufman is the author of the full-length poetry collection Censory Impulse (Factory School 2009). Excerpts from her long poem, INSTANT CLASSIC are available in chapbook form from Least Weasel and Belladonna*. kaufman is the co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life and Work of kari edwards. Poetry and prose can be found in Rain TaxiAufgabeBombay Gin, Verse, The Poetry Project Newsletter, and Jacket2. kaufman prides herself as having Simone White as her BFF4E.

Simone White was born in 1972 in Middletown, Connecticut and grew up in Philadelphia. Her most recent chapbook is Unrest (Ugly Duckling Presse, Dossier Series, 2013). She is also the author of House Envy of All of the World (Factory School, 2010) and Dolly (Q Ave Press, curated by Ross Gay, with the paintings of Kim Thomas), and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Brooklyn Rail, The Claudius App, Aufgabe and The Recluse among other places. erica kaufman is her BFF.