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“Diary of a Madman”

The novel “Diary of a Madman” was written by Lu Xun, which he delivered his feelings about the Feudalism in ancient China. The words of a madman may not necessarily be false. The man wrote in his diary, “If they’re capable of eating me, then they’re capable of eating you too! Even within their own group, they think nothing of devouring each other.”(Lu Xun, p.251) He reflects that the ancient society was complicated. People are greedy and insidious. They do not know how to stand together to face problems but plot against each other. “Change from the bottom of your hearts!” This sentence is repeated twice. As a reader, we can see the protagonist’s hunger for change and his hatred on corruption. He knew that the only way to save human beings was to change themselves. However, he was labeled as a Madman. Who is going to listen and believe a word of a Madman? It’s useless!

The novel mentioned EAT PEOPLE again and again. PEOPLE symbolizes human nature. EAT can be interpret as destroy. Therefore, the real meaning that the author wants to deliver was the destruction of human nature that cause by the depraved society. At the end of the novel, the author concluded with “Save the children…” The ellipsis at the end of the sentence emphasizes the protagonist’s helpless voice. He believed that the children should be lighthearted. Unfortunately, they joined those who “eat people,” and they gradually become marble-hearted. The children should be the future of the country, but their simplicity was “killed” by the society.

Through the novel, we have seen the miserable of the Old China. In that society, people were living under complete darkness, which was totally lacked of justice. Compared to the lives today, how lucky we are, living with each other who DO NOT EAT PEOPLE…. appreciate what are we having now….

Midterm Questions

1. Compare and contrast the texts, “Bartleby, the Scrivener” and “Narrative of the Life”. How do they relate to Enlightenment?

2. Analyze “I prefer not to.” Why does Bartleby always “prefers not to?”

“The Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”

The texts we read for Monday all lead to a same idea, Enlightenment. They illustrated the idea of human rights, which is Life, Liberty, and Property. In “The Declaration of Independence,” a phrase caught my attention, “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God .”  According to the John Locke, the law of nature was simply upon “reason and equity.” In the text, LAWS is in a plural form, which means both “reason and equity.” What is the reason for the United States to dissolve from England? The answer is EQUITY. The authors of “The Declaration of Independence” and the colonizers argued that the King of the Britain, George III, failed to give them the same equal rights as those British people.

 NATURE, according to Oxford dictionary, is “the basic or inherent features of something, especially when seen as characteristic of it.” NATURE described the inherent features of deist. GOD, is ” the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority,” which the God is above human beings. God, in all religion is described as almighty and omnipotence. NATURE’S GOD, were referred to as the God of deist. They believed that their separation from the Britain was the will of God. God entitled them the right to separate themselves from the inequality, and enjoy their right of being treat equally.

Unending Warfare

As we all know, the book “Candide” is a satire which the author used ordinary words to express the evil side of French society during that time period. In the story, a man—ought to be the most honest and simplicity person—had said,” I have killed my old master, my friend, my brother-in-law; I am the best man in the world, and here are three men I’ve killed already, and two of the three were priests.” His words demonstrated that Candide came down with the bad atmosphere of the society. In chapter 22, he asked a scholar, “you doubtless think everything is for the best in the physical as well as the moral universe, and that nothing could be otherwise than as it is?” The scholar replied, “I believe nothing of the sort. I find that everthinkg goes wrong in our world; that nobody knows….what he’s doing or what he ough to be doing, and that outside of mealtimes, which are cheerful and congenial enough, all the rest of the day is spent in useless quarrels,….it’s on unending warfare.”

In the reality, from ancient time untill now, his words reflected the truth of our real world. During our mealtimes, people disguised themselves as cheerful and enjoyable. Stealthily, they play a deep game. This vicious cycle of hatred goes around untill today and never end. Not many of us have sufficient experiences protect ourselves.To sum up, we as student, since our information came from searching on internet, hearing from others, and reading news, we do not know whether a piece of information is real or not.

Are you tired?

In these days, I just finished reading a book wrote by a famous tv show host in my country. This book is a recorder of her life. She presides over an entertainment tv show, and brings happiness to her audiences. In a story, her friend wondered, “I’m very curious about how is your world looks like?Won’t you feel tired and bored sometimes since you always bring us happy and hope?” She responded, “That’s part of my job, and I enjoy the sense of achievement when I saw them smiling.”

Applied these questions on myself, my answers will be the opposite. When I with my friends, I am mood maker. Sometime I felt tired when they are all laughing, and no one notice the fleeting sadness. I think myself as being perfectly ridiculous.