About Joe Higgins


Midterm Questions

Question One: Analyze the quote, “Bartleby was one of those beings of whom nothing is ascertainable, except from the original sources, and in his case those are very small”. Discuss how this quote may relate to what we find out about Bartleby at the end of the story.

Question Two:  In the text “A Modest Proposal”, the use of humor or otherwise more specifically the use of satire is very significant. Discuss and support why this is, in other words, why did Swift use humor when making a proposal on such a serious topic?

Going against the norm

So after reading this story the first time, I felt it had to do with the fact of Bartleby sleeping in his office and maybe a broader topic of economic classes. Having this idea in mind I tried to type a blog about it but it just seemed out of place and couldn’t elaborate on it very much, I could say he was saving his money and not spending it on drinking like Turkey and it was the smarter route for him but it didn’t make much sense for me at least. After re-reading it a second time I started to notice a trend that lied with Bartleby and his fellow workers. He is described as a great worker and does a great amount of work that impresses his boss. His only down fall, as far as the boss thinks, is his idea of not wanting to do something or not preferring to do it.

In the story Bartleby starts off as a strong worker, but slowly decreases in his work, for lack of a better word, “ability”, he begins to slow down to eventually not doing any work at all. This annoys the narrator to the point of trying to fire Bartleby, but he does not prefer that, the lawyer ends up moving his whole practice to avoid Bartleby, who lives in the building scaring other tenants. When arrested and put in jail, the narrator attempts to help him and get him special food but he does not prefer it, he winds up dying in jail, taking no help from anyone.

The idea I got from reading this story is going against the norm, and not being a yes sir kind of person. While all the other employees ran to the lawyers side when he called, Bartleby did his own thing, still doing his assigned work (sometimes), but still followed his own path. He lived with out being controlled by others and broke free from the orders of the narrator, such as America declaring their Independence from Britain, they had their right to do so, just like Bartleby, not needing help from the outside, just governing himself as one.


An early day version of Bad Luck Brian?

This whole story is just one big bad day for Candide. Throughout the story it’s just one thing after another, such as when he tries to save the women that were being chased by the monkeys, kills the monkeys and they wind up crying over the dead monkeys, Candide just can’t catch a break. So they continue going on down the road, and if it weren’t enough for their food to run out, but their horses die, oh but wait a canoe is there to save the day, after a while in the river Bad Luck Brian strikes again and they smash the canoe. I do have to give Candide credit for being so optimistic through this story though, going through all of this, must put a toll on someone psychologically.

Bad Luck Brian

Even when losing all of his money just to get his friend back, and not getting angry or upset about it is quite a good look out on life.  Candide and his friend continue through to where they are headed when he becomes ill, having to stop, two doctors catch a glimpse at his last diamond. Forcing their practice on him, which only makes him more ill, Candide winds up losing the last jewel. Me personally I don’t think I could keep this outlook after going through all of this. Candide goes from being rich, having all this gold and jewels, to being poor again and having nothing and almost dies trying.

Enlightenment and Education

Well, I hope I’m writing about the correct passage but here it goes. After reading the passage “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” by Mary Wollstonecraft, I found that education was not available for women. In the beginning she describes how they are not allowed to go to school or become educated. Roles are set among men and women, and that is what they are there to do. By them not allowing women to be educated, it is setting a very negative appearance towards the next upcoming generations, and what they will basically be forced to do, due to no other choice because of the strict no education role. The life of women in my opinion, is almost like being slaves, they are taught not to argue or express their emotions about anything that would bother them, which leads to a very unhappy life.

I felt that after reading this passage, this is where the chance of women becoming educated would become available, during the Enlightenment. Due to all of the change and new learning that was taking place, I feel that this specific time would be the perfect opportunity for women the break through and become more then people say they are. After this women would no longer feel the need to rely on men, they could become their own and break the “roles” that were set among them, and show that they can be just as good as men.

-Joe Higgins