Extra Credit

A number of you expressed interest in an extra credit assignment.

So…Here it is.

Visit the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA).

(All CUNY students get free admission when you show your ID)

Select one piece of art that you feel particularly interested in and spend some time with that image–take notes on what you see and what the work says to you.

Compose a 1-2 page response paper about this work–You will want to aim to

  • let your reader know what piece of art you are responding to (artist, title of work, exhibit it is in)
  • describe the piece and analyze it–what do you think the artist is trying to accomplish through this piece?
  • link the artwork with one of the texts or themes we’ve been dealing with in class–for example, a portrait by Alfred Stieglitz might remind you of the descriptions Whitman offers of “Americans” in “Song of Myself.”

I will be going to this–feel free to join me!

Transform The World! Poetry Must Be Made by All!

Saturday, April 20, 2013, 3:00–4:00 p.m.

The Alfred H. Barr, Jr. Painting and Sculpture Galleries, fourth floor