Have you found Nemo yet?

As much as I would love to blog about last week’s readings, there is a much more pertinent topic of discussion on my mind this weekend; 6 inches of snow or as the national news media likes to call it “super-mega-deathstar-stay-the-fuck-home-storm nemo”. On Staten Island I got to personally witness gas lines going down all our major avenues and boulevards and lines in our supermarkets that took hours to get through. I don’t know if it’s shell-shock from Hurricane (actually a tropical storm) Sandy or just a result of over-sensationalized news reporting of weather conditions. More than likely it is a combination of both. I’m not exactly sure what makes snow so terrifying for people that they think they need to stockpile food in a terrorist cell-like bunker when they could just stay home with some cocoa, their loved ones, and wait til the morning to shovel and go about their business as usual. If we were to follow this train of thought, let’s consider the people who shovel their sidewalks as snow is still coming down (I don’t mean to offend if you are a follower of this practice) I have witnessed my neighbor do this every single year to no avail. Hey buddy, wait til tomorrow, that inch of snow you peeled off the ground is gonna be right back there momentarily.

As an aside from my rant about the “impending-doom-for-us-all-hide-yo-children-storm nemo” I would like to mention an interesting fact about clownfish. When a clown fish’s mate dies, it has the capability to change it’s gender to reproduce with its offspring. This means that throughout the entirety of “Finding Nemo” we were watching a clownfish chase after his son to change gender and make more clownfish babies. Ah Disney……..

If you were thinking that I lackadasically wrote this post an hour before it was due, and that I spent most of my weekend frolicking in the snow like a small child you’d be right. But since I don’t want to look bad next to my fellow professional blogging peers I feel obligated to at least mention some of the reading from these first few weeks of class. One concept that particularly stuck with me from all of the enlightenment readings was one that Wollstonecraft mentioned in “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” was that the pursuit of beauty keeps us from achieving equality. I really like this concept because I believe that it is most definitely true. However, it is a concept that I feel can be applied to both genders, if we were creatures of utility then everything we wore would have some sort of use to it. Unfortunately, today we are all victims of “fashion” and pursue the aesthetically pleasing holy land of having our peers be attracted to us because of the paint we splash on our faces or the various animal pieces we cover our bodies in. None of which serves any real purpose anymore, can someone explain to me why you would be wearing dress shoes when there is snow and slush on the ground? They ain’t got no traction. Cop yourself some boots because you slippin.