Digital Storytelling Resources


You need to be aware that the digital essays that you’ll be posting in this space are going to be open to the World Wide Web.  You have the option of publishing under an alias, if you choose.

  • Go to your Profile page and enter your alias in the “Nickname” field.
  • Then, select your alias from the “Display name publicly as” dropdown menu.
  • Click update profile.


Digital Storytelling Tools

The suggested tools below assume that you have compiled and planned your presentation beforehand.

WordPress Native Galleries

Upload images directly into your blog, and insert them as a post into a gallery

  • Click on “Log In” on the front page of the blog
  • Click on “Add New” under “Posts”
  • Give your Post a title (if you do not do this, you will not be able to create a gallery)
  • Place your cursor in the Write Post field
  • Click on the “Add Media” icon


  • Click on “Browser Uploader”
  • Upload images— some browsers will allow you to upload all of your images at once, while others will force you to upload one at a time
  • After images have uploaded, click “Show” next to each image thumbnail to add a caption, if you want; be sure to click “Save all changes” after you’re done
  • You will not see the gallery option or be able to post a gallery unless you have uploaded two or more images
  • Click on “Gallery,” customize the layout as desired, and then click “Insert gallery into post”
  • You will then see the following text in the body of your post:
  • You can write an introduction to your gallery in the space above or below the text
  • When you’re ready to post your work to the blog, click “publish.”
  • You can always edit your post and the information in the gallery by clicking on the Post>Edit tab in the Administrative Area of the blog, and then the Post’s title.

One True Media

One True Media allows you to upload images/video/audio, and mix them into an embeddable slideshow.

  • Create account
  • Click “Get Started”
  • Select the files you want to upload from your computer (supports following file types: .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4 .mov .avi .wmv .3gp .3g2 .jpg .jpeg)
  • You are limited to 100mb of uploaded data!
  • Click “Edit Sequence” to bring up editing tray, which will be filled with what you’ve uploaded
  • Click on each image to establish length of time, zoom/pan, effect, transition, and to add a caption. Be sure to click “Save” when done.
  • You also have the option to intersperse text slides among your photos and videos
  • Click “Create” to be taken back to the main menu, where you can choose music to accompany your slideshow. Choose from a variety of preloaded songs, or choose audio you have uploaded. BEWARE OF COPYRIGHT LAWS WHEN YOU DO THIS.

Embedding Your Montage in A Blog Post

  • When you’ve complete your editing and your ready to share your montage, click on “Create” to go back to the top menu, and then “Share”
  • Click “Get Codes”
  • Choose a template for your embeddable player; click “Use This Style”
  • Click “select” next to the field that reads “Embed Code” and then copy the text (Edit>Copy, from your browser menu)
  • Go to your course blog, and log in; click “Add Post”
  • Give your post a title, and then click the “HTML” tab in the post editor. Paste the embed code into the HTML tab, and then publish your post

Voicethread: Collaborative Multimedia CommentingTool

Allows multiple participants to contribute to a group conversation around one or many pieces of media.

Click here for tutorials.

  • To embed your VoiceThread in a blog post (which will allow others to contribute to it), click on Menu>Embed, and then copy the text under “Embed Code.”
  • Go to your course blog, and log in; click “Add Post”
  • Give your post a title, and then click the “HTML” tab in the post editor. Paste the embed code into the HTML tab, and then publish your post


Free, hosted movie editing software.

  • Upload video, audio
  • Mix using mixing board
    • add transitions, titles, play with audio levels
  • When finished, click “Publish Mix”
    • “On the Web”
    • “Embed in Blog”
    • Add a tag, then click “Next”
    • Try to select the embed code (can be difficult); if you have trouble, click “Publish & Close”
      • then go to “My Jay Cut,” click “Play,” then select and copy the embed code on that page
  • Paste embed code into a blog post by clicking on the “HTML” tab when you go to the post editor, and clicking paste


If you do not have one, you’ll need to create a user account on YouTube ( although Google accounts work as well). To upload a previously produced video, merely click on the Yellow “Upload a Video” button, and have at it.

YouTube will process videos in the following formats: .WMV, .3GP, .AVI, .MOV, .MP4, .MPEG, .FLV, .MKV.


  • Easiest interface
  • Smoothest embed process


  • Assumes you have all the tools needed to produce your content locally

To embed a video, simply paste the url into your blog post:


Powerful music search engine/hosted player, which can embed a widget in a WordPress blog to play music to accompany a post.

  • Create an account
  • Create a playlist or just select a single song
  • Click “Export”
  • Style and size your player, click “Next Step”
  • Confirm playlist, click “Finish”
  • Copy embed code
  • Paste embed code into a blog post by clicking on the “HTML” tab when you go to the post editor, and clicking paste

What’s above are just a few of the many amazing tools out there.  For more, see Alan Levine’s The Fifty+ Tools. The trick is to pick something easy to use, and embeddable.

45 Responses to Digital Storytelling Resources

  1. Luke Waltzer says:

    For starters, please detail the issues and post a link here to your video-

  2. mshoshani says:

    Hi Luke,
    I spoke with Professor Kaufman regarding this chat. I had, have and having technical difficulties throughout this whole assignment. I added the digital video to youtube but im having serious problems adding it to the blog. I commented before and posted a response paper in the past. But for some reason im having issues adding the video or even embedding it. May you Please help. Thanks.

  3. kate says:

    oops, instead of thank I put help….:)

  4. kate says:

    well, I would like to help everyone for helping me. I found the old email and I post it already. Thanks again

  5. kate says:

    My email is
    I have no idea how I could omit this invitation before…. thank you for your help.

  6. Luke Waltzer says:

    Again, your account wasn’t affiliated with Prof Kaufman’s blog… check your email, you’ve just been added.

  7. jcc1717 says:

    yea im having the same problem too
    i tried to post my video since yesterday morning, but it didnt work at all…..

    here’s my link….

    thx a lot for helping 🙂

  8. Luke Waltzer says:

    Farzana: I’ve added your account, but you’ll need to confirm that you wish to join the blog by clicking on the link in the email you were just sent.

  9. Luke Waltzer says:

    I’ll need more than just that your name is “Kate” to add you to the blog (which should have been done a couple of weeks ago). Tell me your email address.

  10. Luke Waltzer says:

    This needs to be added as a blog post… can you post to this blog?

  11. fg101678 says:

    The blog is not allowing me to post my video either. It isn’t giving me that option of new post

  12. snyip says:

    Have u ever go to ur email to check if there an invitation to this blog? I had the same problem as u before which I can’t post anything to the blog…but I found out that there was an invitation to the blog in my email, so I click accept and that would be fine. Then click “Site Admin” on right column of the blog page and on next web page you will see “Post” panel and post the media there. Afterthat, just follow what Luke said here.

  13. kate says:

    I can`t post my project, because there is no option as new post. I checked the whole blog website and I don`t have that option. Could you let me know exactly how to do it?


    in this account i am a member of other blogs but not this one so when i try to post a blog it takes me to the site admin and i dont know what to do

    please help!!

  15. According to this FAQ, you should be able to upload the audio file:

    What error are you getting?

  16. just needed to put the url into the post, not linked text… I took care of it for you; take a look now-

  17. akhan says:

    I tried to upload my video yesterday, but mine doesn’t have the video on the page. The link takes you directly to the viedo and I wanted to know if that’s ok.

  18. rperez says:

    Are there any websites i can use that support mp3 files? Or how do I change the format to work on onetruemedia ?

  19. You can purchase the song through Grooveshark (or a link to iTunes/Amazon on Grooveshark), but you may not be able to import it into your movie. because it’s encoded. You need to find an unencrypted version of the song, which you should be able to import, or find another way to embed it alongside your video.

    And you always should cite.

  20. Even though you bought it from iTunes, it’s still encoded as a proprietary file, which limits your ability to use it in a different format.

    You need to find an unencrypted version of the song, which you should be able to import, or find another way to embed it alongside your video.

  21. jcc1717 says:

    Hi, I’m making a slide show with windows movie maker. Do you think I will be able to download any music from grooveshark? I would definitely need to “cite” it right?

  22. asitumeang says:

    If I want to use a song already bought from Itunes,how can I put it in my video that i’m making from windows movie maker?

    I tried dragging the music file in the audio/music slot but it says”cannot be imported because the codec required to play the file is not installed on your computer. If you have already tried to download and install the codec, close and restart Windows Movie Maker, and then try to import the file again.”

  23. Luke Waltzer says:

    You’re absolutely right; I hadn’t noticed that captions are a premium feature.

    You have three options.

    1st, you could but the monthly access to the Premium account… which would only cost you $3.99, and then drop your account after the semester is over.

    2nd, you could include your captions in a blog post as text underneath your montage: Slide 1: caption, Slide 2: caption. I’m sure Prof. Kaufman would be fine with this.

    3rd, you could go with the Photoshop option. If you’d like to come see me early next week for help making this work, drop me an email: Lucas.Waltzer at

  24. nsingh says:

    i created an account on one true media…and when i want to add text slides, the program doesn’t let me. It says that in order for me to publish text slides its a premium thing and therefore i have to buy it. since i can’t add text on the slide without paying for it, i have to first open the pic in photoshop and add text on it. That giving me a bit of trouble. What should i do????

  25. Luke Waltzer says:

    It’s best to use those images that have been tagged for reuse with a Creative Commons license.

    You can search for such images on Flickr Advance Search:

    (check the box at the bottom)

    And at Google Image Search:

    (Choose “labeled for reuse” from the Usage Rights drop down menu.

  26. Brian Gutman says:

    I’m going to do a slideshow for this digital essay and wanted to know if I can use some good pictures that i found on google and other websites? Is there an issue with the copyrights or is it okay?

  27. Luke Waltzer says:

    I don’t think Jay Cut allows you to change the speed or direction of your video clip.

    Have you tried the computer lab in the library to see if you can get access to a Mac to use iMovie?

  28. sakter says:

    And when i add transitions, it doesnt appear on the video.

  29. sakter says:

    Is there any way on Jay Cut or on any other program to fast forward a video, to make it look like its going fast? And is it possible to have the clip go backwards in motion. I know how to do it on imovie but i cant get my hands on a mac. HELP!

  30. Luke Waltzer says:

    Hi Alexandra: can you post a bit more detail?

    I also have some free time this afternoon and Thursday; if you need to stop by, send me an email with the times you’re available.

    Lucas.Waltzer at

  31. Where do you make an appointment with Luke? Because i can’t get my imovie to load 🙁

  32. EKaufman says:

    Hi Karishma,

    Sure! Interviews are fine…it would probably add a really interesting element to the digital project. I’d just make sure to decide on a video editing software (like imovie or jaycut) and start working on this soon!


  33. kbachani says:


    I have chosen Emily Dickinson’s poem “Tell all truth, but tell it slant”. I feel that before we understand how truth should be disclosed, it is important to know how each one of us define truth.I was wondering if I could interview people to find out how they define truth and video record that.
    Do you think it would be a good idea to use those interviews as a part of my digital essay?

  34. Luke Waltzer says:

    I think you probably want to do a bit more than that. I think it’s okay to recite the poem, if that’s what you mean; but it’s the rest of the material in the essay that should reflect your understanding/analysis of the poem. The photos you choose, the music, even the font of the text… all of these are choices that can, and should, reflect your understanding of the poem.

  35. Luke Waltzer says:

    Yes, there is pre-packaged audio. When you’re in the main page for editing your montage, if you click on “Choose Music” you’ll go to a page with all the choices. You have to choose a song without a star next to it (unless you want to upgrade to a “Premium” account, which would cost $3.99 for a month). You can preview a song, and add it to your playlist, which will make it available in your editor.

  36. nsingh says:

    hi I wanted to know if for the program One True Media, are there already pre-recorded tunes available or we have to upload them ourselves from another source?

  37. snyip says:

    I am wondering can I just make up video that plays the actual poem? Like I understand what this poem about and can imagained the whole scene so can I just play the whole poem?

  38. EKaufman says:

    Hi Liz,
    I think it would be fine to do both–just make sure it is clear which words are from the poem and which are your own and how they relate…or, just use your own words but make sure the connection to the poem is clear.

  39. I am excited to do this project because it helps me have fun during teh stressful end of the semester. I want to do a slideshow along with words. I was wondering if the words i use have to come directly from the poem or if i can use words that describe how i feel when i read the poem?

  40. Luke Waltzer says:

    Hi Rukmani: sounds fantastic, and I’m glad you’re excited. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!


  41. Luke Waltzer says:


    Yes, though the details of the process will depend upon how big your file ends up being after you export it. If it’s larger than 10 mb, I’ll need to upload it for you. Arrange to come see me in the couple of days before it’s due.

    First, you’ll need to export your movie as a QuickTime.

    > Export
    > Compress Movie for: (Choose “Expert Settings” from the drop down menu)
    > Click “Share”
    > Under “Export” choose “Movie to QuickTime Movie” then click the “Options” button
    > Make sure your size is set to 640 x 480
    > Click “OK”

    This will generate a file, which will likely be bigger than 10 mb– if so, arrange to come see me. If NOT, then you can upload it directly through the post editor (as though you were uploading an image).

    > You’ll need to copy the URL of the file that you’ve just uploaded, which will appear in the field “Link URL” in the window that pops up after you’ve uploaded the file.

    > Then, you’ll go to the post editor, and click on the yellow “A” button in the visual editor, and then paste the URL of your video file into the field.

    This will embed your uploaded movie into your blog post.

    Good luck, and holler if you have more questions!

  42. R.Nayyar says:

    The end of a semester is always a busy time and this particular end of the semester is no different. I and my classmates, as I would imagine, are all dealing with a boat load of work and it’s hard to manage everything but we have no choice. I am glad the we can have some fun however, with the digital stories. I can’t wait to get started on mine because I like to be creative and I like to “get in the zone” with these types of projects. I am planning on doing a mix of slideshow and video but I haven’t decide how to best approach the poem that I have selected “Invictus” by William Heanley. I hope that I do well on this project and this paper.

  43. palvarez says:

    I’m thinking about using imovie to make my slideshow and i was wondering if there was any way to upload it onto the blog without having to go through youtube first. (This question was partly already asked in class but I didn’t catch the answer).

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