Schedule of Appointments

Hi all, Please remember that Monday there is no “regular” class scheduled. Instead you will each meet with me individually. Please bring your most recent draft of Paper 1. If you do not have an appointment with me, please email to set one up ASAP. My office is VC 7-290K.

ALSO…a change to the syllabus–your “final draft” is now due on Monday, March 14!

Monday, March 7

8:40     Tommy

8:50    Mikhail

9:00    Mina

9:10     Danielle

9:20    Danny

9:30    Olivia

9:40    Isaac

9:50    Aleks

10:00  Maria

10:10   Vivian

10:20  Aferdita

10:30  Diana

10:45   Gavin

10:55   Jacqueline

11:05   Diana Achibar

11:15    Phillip

11:25    Joseph

11:45   Allen

11:55   Andrey

12:05  Mark

12:15   Maurice

12:25  Eliza

12:45   Laura

12:55   Eugene

1:05     Brian

1:15      Ling

1:25     Emily

1:35     Anna

1:45     Malisa

1:55     Eva

2:05    Alex

2:15     Emil

2:25    Kristie

2:35    Carmen

2:45    Lauren

2:55     Deon

3:05    Greg

3:15     Betzalel


Wednesday, March 9

1:00   Suzan

1:10   Geraldine

1:20   Victor

1:30   Marianna

1:40   Steven

1:50   Haibin

2:00   JAR

2:10   Jenny

2:20   Elizabeth


2:40   Manuela



About EKaufman

English Adjunct
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