Movie Review on ‘Best in Show’

Malisa Basic (JM13D)

OPTION 1: Write a movie review of “Best In Show.” Do NOT just summarize the film. In fact, for this response paper, you are to use no summary unless it is a detail or scene that helps you to prove the argument you are trying to make about the film.

Though I am not to write a summary about Best in Show,  its hard to really go around that, so I’ll keep the summary brief.  The movie depicts a dog show held in America annually of dogs all across the country; the dogs focused on mainly in the movie are different from one another as well as their owners.  My first initial thoughts about the movie was quite unusual.  I had never heard of this movie before, and to be quite honest, I was skeptical of the concept, and how the movie began.  I was also surprised to see how many familiar actors were in the movie that I recognized from other films.  I was surprised because not only did I never hear of this movie, when I was introduced to the outline and general concept, I thought it was quite silly.  All popular stereotypes are depicted in this movie;  From the the ”nerdy” husband with a ”hot” wife that live in a Suburban area, the overly dramatic gay that acts somewhat feminine, to the angry couple that blames each other for anything that happens.  In addition, their pets even resemble their personalities which is what I thought was quite interesting.

One thing that I thought was interesting was the fact that a dog show was chosen to portray this hidden message of happiness.  The reason I thought this was interesting because American people all LOVE dogs.  There are dogs every where around us.  Sometimes I wonder if there are more dogs than people.  That’s probably where the saying ”A dog is a mans best friend” comes from. i believe that there is a specific reason a dog show was used rather than any other competition.  The reason why it may have been used is because even after the competition, the joy the dogs bring to these peoples lives does not end.  Even after the show, they are able to go back home and take care of their pets.  This was shown to be true when the lives of these characters were shown after the show.  Even though there was only one winner, the lives of the other contestants did not change all too much, and the changes that did occur were actually positive experiences they had gained from the whole experience itself.  Even the winners did not have much of a change with their life.  Sure they did make a new CD of their music which they haven’t done before, but the endless men that seem to recognize his wife through the past, never ends which shows that winning doesn’t necessarily mean everything will change, or change happiness more specifically.  In general, winning does not mean that happiness will come, or that losing will have the opposite effect.  People need to find their own happiness within them self rather than showing of their cute dogs they believe will make them happy if they win because they appear to have the ”best” dog.

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