Movie Review – Philip Chen

Philip Chen


Write a movie review of “Best In Show.” Do NOT just summarize the film. In fact, for this response paper, you are to use no summary unless it is a detail or scene that helps you to prove the argument you are trying to make about the film.

The movie Best In Show was probably one of the funnier films I’ve ever seen in class.  The actors were brilliant in their roles and it really showed the different social backgrounds of American people. From the typical American yuppie family to the American redneck, had it all. I especially liked the family from Florida, the average everyday Joe family who had a Norwich Terrier that won the competition. That family to me made the entire movie. The wife had sex with a million guys and the husband had two left feet. Furthermore, the husband was “quite the looker”. The husband also had a facial expression that made me laugh my ass off when he saw one of his wife’s old sex partners.  I looked up the actor for the husband and he was also in a bunch of other comedy films. The most prominent one being American Pie, a movie involving men trying to lose their virginity. The actor of the wife was in the movie Home Alone, a movie that I remember watching when I was a little boy. Another family I enjoyed watching was the yuppie couple from Chicago. Yuppie stands for Young Urban Professionals in case you don’t know what it means. The family’s constant bickering and fights added a certain flare to the movie. In short, it was great seeing another couple fight even though deep inside they loved each other.

Although the movie was about a dog show, I felt that the movie dealt a lot with sex. The Florida family dealt with sex the entire movie. The husband had to deal with much jealousy and confusion during the entire movie due to his wife’s former sexual partners. It just shows that you can never escape from your past. So think twice before having sex with a bunch of men =P – you don’t want your husband jealous, do you? The Chicago family dealt with sex in the beginning and at the end of the movie. The movie started off with the Chicago family in a therapy room because they were scared that they had mentally damaged their dog when he watched them have sex. In the end of the movie, the family finds a dog that disregards their sexual behavior and they live happily ever after. The movie also dealt with a gay couple and a lesbian couple. Although I cannot help but shudder when I hear a man with a feminine voice, I thought he was also a great character. Seeing a man talking like a girl makes me laugh and made the movie much more funny for me. I especially liked the scene where he packs 50 pounds of clothes for one weekend. That is something only a girl would do and trust me, I know. The only “couple” that didn’t deal with any sort of sex issue or sex was the redneck and his bloodhound. But he was a bit on the eccentric side with his SCARY puppet. I swear that thing gave me nightmares when I was a kid and I still get some chills when I see it.

I would rate the movie an A+ and would recommend everyone to watch it. Remember kids, think twice about having sex with every person you meet. You never know if you will bump into them again :P.

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