Response Paper 3

Isaac Douek

Professor Erica Kaufman

English 2150

15 March 2011

“The Most Atypical Typical Situation”

Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants,” while sophisticated, presents itself as applicable to many issues a couple may have.

The woman, Jig, seems ridiculously indecisive and reluctant to commit to something that is clearly for the benefit of the couple. This reluctance, however, has been planted by the man’s nonchalant approach to a big decision in their lives, indicating he may not care as much as should.

As tradition has it, the woman makes a remark to coax the man into showing her some sort of affection. “I don’t care about me.” She specifically states something selfless to guilt the man. As any smart man would, he bites. He takes the bait. He is forced into showing something he takes for granted as obvious, that he actually does care for her. Once he has succumbed to her plea for attention, they happily move on to, I think, elope and take the train they’ve been waiting for as far as they can.

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