“Best in Show”

Watching the movie best in show was an odd experience. I didn’t really understand why we were watching this movie because it didnt seem to have anything to do with what we were going over in class. After thinking about it for some time i came to a conclusion as to why we watched the movie.

At first i thought it was just a joke, one that would make us start thinking but lead to nowhere since it has no answer. Still, i did come to some conclusion as to why we watched it. All people have theiro wn ways to achieve happiness and generally no person ever tries to figure out why they want to be happy, they just accept it. Generally people think they can only be happy if they do something extraordinary or win something extraordinary. While rewards do cause happiness they are not the onlu way to cause happiness. The people were not aware of what they were searching for and did not realize that it was a false cause. Everyone in the dog show wanted that ribbon because it would bring them happiness and celebrity status. The happiness was the most important part of the dog show. They earn happiness by living it through the dog, they were not beautiful themselves or exceptional so they wanted to raise a craeture that was perfect and beautiful and exceptional. They could not accept the fact that they were just normal people. \

Though ity was a satirical movie, it was a good observation of human behavior. We always want things that we can never have and we manipulate the enviornment around us to try to achieve whatever the goal is. If it is to dominate or humiliate an animal that is what they do. If it is to assign human characteristics to an animal that is what is done. It was a good study of human behavior and it creates a lot of things to think about and consider. There are alot of other arguments that could be made in response to that movie but this is the one i focus on. Humans are illusionary creatures, they can never accept the truth.

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